Worst movie ever

Enough said. Not worth the bandwidth of the download. The tagline doesnt do this movie justice. This is the sort of movie that you are tempted to check your email every 5 minutes during in hopes that a nigerian prince is sending you 12 million dollars.



I think it's home made film with a budget of 50 bucks or something. It's a total faliure, people who watch this movie are subject to the infection with mental retardness!


Dunno about the worst movie ever, but I agree it's far from a classic. It started off alright: group of students discover a drug which has strange side-effects - a sort of mixture of ecstasy and pcp - but instead of following their decent into dependency and paranoi, it decends into a rather silly zombie flick as it turns out the side-effect is a lust for human blood.

Still an entertaining film though. Perhaps not worth renting or buying, but - as a previous poster has slightly foolish admitted - worth downloading


Thank you sitzman!

Sara e. Snyder

