MovieChat Forums > Rubber Johnny (2005) Discussion > HOW DO THEY DO THAT?!?!?!


I mean, wow, the boby parts and giant head moving VERY fast. They probably speed it up, BUT... how did Cunningham do that part where Johnny puts his face against the camera, and his face gets squashed? Did he use meat?


In one segment the "flesh" that appeared on the screen quickly looked to be nothing more than raw chicken parts. Not 100% sure but I think that's all he did for a lot. That, and prothesis (sp).


Chicken? WTF. It didnt look like chicken. Kewl though.


Ok, it's obvious you know nothing about film production, but it wasn't actually against the lens.


Someone had a question. And you are keen to make them feel like a child.
Any chance you could stop being obnoxious?


yeah, what a d!ck, great explaination (!?!?!)


seing as you (jer(k) 66) are such an expert in film production why don't you give us an experts insight on how the effect was carried out. I too know nothing about film production and that is why i use this site to find some answers to questions i have about films.

Feel free to provide us with your impressive list of films that you have produced aswell


Actually I was directing shorts and won a competition (International Teen Film Festival, Toronto) as best director and best short film in 2001. I've moved on from that now, and studying law (criminal to be specific) at York University, but thanks to the help of my parents, I will be going to U.Chicago. After that I will be moving on to Stanford for Business and Corporate law (I don't expect you to believe the last one, my best friends didn't even believe me at first!).

As for that effect, if it was me, I'd say a miniature was used, as was evident it was being used for the full frame shots of 'Rubber Johnny'.

BTW I guess what I said before came out wrong, it just didn't seem like such an impressive 'effect'.


Oh my list-






TERRY (2005) (Actor, extra)

Tried for a guest on the OC, for the summer, just for some extra spending, but the timing on auditions didn't work out... plus for a show like that the odds are miniscule of landing a role.

No offense to anyone who's critisized me, but I think I know a bit more about production, or at least I should.


well well well, who's a clever boy then?


Well, thanks for the life story... still didnt address the posters question, but chose to talk about yourself instead(?)

Im in post production and would say it is quite likely the eyes and teeth were tracked and composited over chicken meat in a dark liquid, behind glass... or something to the same effect.
This is not a CG shot, but a heavily composited one. I would say everything on camera is real (not computer generated). Real meat and prosthesis and very well intergrated... However, I cannot see where miniatures would have been used anywhere in this clip.

Great effect however it was done..

...and Jer 66, no need to be so obnoxious. Keep in mind many people who post on this site are in the industry and, believe it or not, may know more than you.


First, I had to explain my life story, it seems that's what I had to do from what people were saying. Second I wasn't trying to be obnoxious, people took something I wrote the wrong way before, so I was explaining and proving myself. I wasn't saying I know more than everyone, just to those who had previously posted on this thread. (I was addressing the questions of others).

Now back to the 'film'...if you want to call it that.

It's very obvious that it wasn't done with CGI. I think people in the industry, or not in the industry would be able to tell that.

About what I said with miniatures. I had worked on a production (Death in a Dream) with miniatures and CGI day in and day out. Also with stop motion animation. It turned out that you could not tell the difference, but with Rubber Johnny a very bad job was done on that part. Now I am referring to the part where he is sitting in the chair, when the door opens. It may not be a miniature, although it looks like it could be, witht he door opening by a real person and layering it into the miniature shot.

If you have ever worked with miniatures, and it was a project with a nice budget, you will be able to see what I'm talking about. If you watch the aliens movements, they are un-natural, and watch the shadow from the door. It skips from place to place. As a director, well I've obviously got myself a life now, but a former director I'm observant and noticed that, also the experience of working with it. Unless the quality of the film is bad, it looks like it would've been done that way.

I do know a lot about it though, once again not saying I know more than anyone. But when I was 13 I went to a film production training in New York, and in Toronto (the two best next to Harvard). It's a very good course for teens. But I don't think there is any point taking such a big risk with a "career" like that. However if you make it, well it's excellent.

Just a couple questions...
how old are you?
how many films have you done?
how many of been medium-big budget?
how many have been recognized?
how many 'real' films have you been a part of? (actual studio films)


First, I had to explain my life story, it seems that's what I had to do from what people were saying. Second I wasn't trying to be obnoxious, people took something I wrote the wrong way before, so I was explaining and proving myself. I wasn't saying I know more than everyone, just to those who had previously posted on this thread. (I was addressing the questions of others).

Now back to the 'film'...if you want to call it that.

It's very obvious that it wasn't done with CGI. I think people in the industry, or not in the industry would be able to tell that.

About what I said with miniatures. I had worked on a production (Death in a Dream) with miniatures and CGI day in and day out. Also with stop motion animation. It turned out that you could not tell the difference, but with Rubber Johnny a very bad job was done on that part. Now I am referring to the part where he is sitting in the chair, when the door opens. It may not be a miniature, although it looks like it could be, witht he door opening by a real person and layering it into the miniature shot.

If you have ever worked with miniatures, and it was a project with a nice budget, you will be able to see what I'm talking about. If you watch the aliens movements, they are un-natural, and watch the shadow from the door. It skips from place to place. As a director, well I've obviously got myself a life now, but a former director I'm observant and noticed that, also the experience of working with it. Unless the quality of the film is bad, it looks like it would've been done that way.

I do know a lot about it though, once again not saying I know more than anyone. But when I was 13 I went to a film production training in New York, and in Toronto (the two best next to Harvard). It's a very good course for teens. But I don't think there is any point taking such a big risk with a "career" like that. However if you make it, well it's excellent.

Just a couple questions...
how old are you?
how many films have you done?
how many of been medium-big budget?
how many have been recognized?
how many 'real' films have you been a part of? (actual studio films)


Im not about to get into an online p!ssing contest with you Jer_66, that would be childish. Im not going to divulge my name by stating my films (a simple search on this site would see to that) because I prefer the anonymity, as convinient as this may sound. Frankly, I dont care if you believe me or not, that was not the point of my response. I will tell you that I have been doing this for a long time. I began with live action, before moving to stop motion myself. I did not get into the industry as a "career move" but it happened because Im doing what I love, risk has no part in it.

The technique you mention above is an editting one, done by cutting frames and playing with the speed of the footage. It is not intended to be pixelation (human animation) but used as a jarring effect.

It annoys me when someone asks a simple question and they are treated like a fool, whether you intended it or not that’s how it sounded. The question is a valid one and perhaps the only people who can answer are the film makers themselves but by discusing these things people can work new techniques out.

I would hope you treat people with a little more respect in the future when they merely ask a question.


I won the Tom Tittle award 4 times in high school (for achievments in the community, respect and help for others) so don't even start with me about respect. As I said that post before came across differently online, I don't know any other way to get that information through you.
I have a hard time understanding why someone that can be easily searched up on this website, would be posting on these forums, and arguing with someone who probably doesn't know as much (about film) as you do. Although my style is PROBABLY better, but I know that doesn't account for EVEN CLOSE to everything.


Brag! Boast! Use your experience to demean and insult others! It takes someone with wit to insult. It takes someone with brains not to.


You do realize that 'wit' can mean basically the exact same thing as 'having brains'?


jer 66 and Coye,

I'm not interested in your argument, but I am really interested in finding out more about the techiques involved in the film.

Ok I am a novice so I won't be insulted if you take it that I know VERY LITTLE about how these effects are achieved.

If you would either care to point me to some good web sites or to explain a little more without loosing me in jargon I would be really grateful.

I make short stop frame animations with groups of teenagers, but it's slow etc, we use plasticine like Nick dark cos we all adore his work, but I would be pleased to offer these guys I work with access to better techinques.

Not competative, but just like making thought provoking entertainment.

Most of our stuff is shot onto stage behind live bands or mixed into live theatre.




Jer 66...


It seems to me that there is a pattern to all of the threads that you post on.

1: someone asks a question.
2: You answer said question (with not necesarally the correct information) with a condescending tone.
3: Someone corrects you, or scolds you on your tone.
4: You get abusive, hoighty-toighty and then the whole thread ends up about you, and the original question is lost.

No-one cares how much you earn. It does'nt always make you right. In fact, for someone who gauges knowledge by the amount they earn, why is it you come accoss so downright ignorant.

No-one really cares what you've achieved. In fact, I couldn't care less if you turned out to be Scorsese or Speilberg; It still doesnt always make you right.

So you got out of the game to persue a 'real' career; earning 225k per year.

Good on you.

So why feel the need to come on here and belittle everyone you can. Has it not occurred to you that some of these people you patronise may be quite young? How on earth are they going to learn?

Dont try and defend yourself by saying that the question 'didn't come accross like that online'. Read through the whole thread. Nobody else thought the question was dumb or merited an answer to make them feel dumb. All of these people jumping on your back can't be wrong about your attitude, unless you are the most self-righteous person i've ever had the misfortune of dealing with..

So in future, if you cant be nice and informative to those with less or different knowledge, please either refrain from answering unless you can do it in a pleasant manner, or start a new thread venting your ridicules. At least then the original thread wont be ruined by your unpleasantness.

I'll no doubt hear from you about this, but as I said, hopefully on an original thread, without ruining somebody elses. I'm sorry to rant, but I'm here to learn, not listen to some bitter jumped up ex-film maker and take the piss out of people. Thanks for listening, Jer.

Now can we please get back to the original question in hand?


I actually never said the question came across like that online, I said my response came across as in a bad tone, although it wasn't intended to be. I don't get why people got so 'heated' up about that, and since they did it starts a whirpool of pointless posts. I find the most amusing part being is that you people (not necessarily you mik-60) that people are trying to rip me up on this, because of the person I really am. I don't mean that in a business way. I don't mean that in a success way. I don't mean that in a 'filmmaking' way. I mean that in a personal way. To be honest, I don't even know why I bothered responding to some of these previous people, but I won't have to anymore. I love who I am, and everyone I know does too, I don't need some people on 'imdb' trying to make me seem like a bad person.


Jer_66, I'm sorry to say this, but you are a very strange person. You claim to have won so many awards and such, and to be talented with filmmaking and such, but you abandoned it to go to schools and study law or whatever... You could never be considered a true artist... I'm sorry man, but no matter what, you stories of triumph and winning are not going to inspire much respect or sympathy... Basically, what I'm trying to say is that your ignorant, a bragging jerk, with way too much ego for your own good... You manipulate everything anyone says, and turn it into a self-glorifying story, which you then end with "Oh, I didn't mean it that way..." I'm not saying you are a bad person, I'm saying you are acting like a bragging jerk here... This probably isn't true, but the way you've acted on this board certainly maked you seem that way...
How many awards have you won? You seem to have an award for every single thing there is... Sort of makes me wonder...


I realize I have a big ego, I never try to deny that. I have a big ego in everything, in hobbies or sports especially. I haven't won an award for everything I've done, I won an award for a film I made for the ITMF (Internation Teen Movie Festival), I'm sure if you attended the festival one year you could still purchase it, which would prove how I shoot, or shot film in my own 'artistic' way. I didn't 'abandon' filmmaking, it is still a hobby, but it's not something I wanted to make a life out of. I wanted to have a secure job, a great income, and a great family. It is very difficult to accomplish that when attempting to be a filmmaker, which is an EXTREMELY hard industry to crack into.
The other award was, well could be considered, academic based. Completely different league. My editor on the film I won an award for also won an award, he won 3 academic awards that year, I don't see anything peculiar with others winning awards, or having success.


I never said there was anything wrong or peculiar about winning awards, you just seem to boast about it, sorry about the message on the other board if it was a tad harsh, I was not in a good mood and I was a little bummed out by what you said.



Why would the admin kick me off for replying to what others have been asking or commenting about me? I never said this was my board, your question has been answered by a few people, but I had people commenting on me so I replied. You have nothing on me that would make sense to be reported, although from that last comment you made I have something I can report you on.

P.S. you've been reported.



I have been looking for some old sites that are great in explaining the ins and outs of stop motion, been a while since I checked them out, may have moved. If you come back in the not to distant future I hope I may have something here.

If you do a google search on 'armatures' you might find some stuff on rigging a character, otherwise check out:

Hope this helps.

Is there something specific you wanted to know?


Thanks for this coye

I have met up with a guy who does claymation so together I hope we can put something together.

I have checked out the sites and more.

I have started making wire based figures cos find plasticine a bit limiting.

I didn't want specific information cos I am really into making the figures and working with a skilled animator...which is coming together.
When we get our web site live i'll send you a link then you can give me any tips on stuff if you wouldn't mind.


Would be happy to.

Plasticine is limiting, but using it with Sculpey or an oven baked clay works very well.

Happy modelling.




However, I don't think any stop motion puppets were used in this film. Some parts were pixelation (animating real people/everyday objects, etc). But I don't think that any miniatures or stopmo puppets of the johnny rubber guy were used in this. That's my 3 cents.

That's funny how that one guy who keeps complaining boasts about working on a "medium" budget film at one point in time. What if some of us consistetnly work on HIGH budget films? Ooooo... money is scary, isn't it?


jer-66, you just don't have any sense.

"No more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops, depending on the breaks!"


None of these (except the jonathan-thing) exists in IMDB..?

Mandatory emoticon dispensed.DON'T PANIC


By the way, just so you know, the first film to ever use that shaking head extremely fast effect, was "Jacob's Ladder (1993)". I highly recommend that film if any of you are interested, I mean the guy who created this music video was obviously inspired off that film. Watch it.



haha, jer 66 sounds like one of the "guest characters" on the phil hendrie show




once again Jer 66. I don't think you should get so overly confident in yourself. You won an award. good job. I have never heard of your films. This film is everywhere and very popular, yet you like to call it crap. I think you may have some insecurities...

also, a miniature wasn't used in the full frame shots nor the head smashing part. I read into the making of the film.
