his best music video?

ok, so whats his best video...i personally think Come To Daddy by Aphex Twin! Blew my mind! it so dark and disturbing and bleak...perfect!

"If only you could see what i have seen with your eyes"


I like All Is Full Of Love

#4 Last name? I'd rather not say
Getcha' Pull 1966-2004


Bjork's "All is full of Love"

Portishead's "Only You"

Leftfeild featuring Afrika Bambata. "Africa Shock" ( THe one with the guy who is keeps breaking limbs)

and Aphex Twin's "Come To daddy"

Also that Monkey drummer and playstation commercial are pretty cool.

It's too bad that this guy hasn't made a full length feature. He should be the one to direct Aeon Flux. Michel Gondry and Spike Jonze have at least made two films


"Africa Shock" ... Most of his other videos are pure psychological horror science so I was pretty impressed how he brought his twisted visions into an actual message.


Windowlicker is to me, his Masterpiece. I don't really think he needs to make a film yet though. I want to see him keep developing as a multimedia artist. I think this is still only the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. he is a genious. But one day i hope he does make a horror movie of some sort, and freak the *beep* hell out of everyone!

"We are surrounded by worn-out images, and we deserve new ones"
- Werner Herzog
