Scareiest part !

I think the scariest part would probaly be , for me, the short part when his in the wheelchair and his head is tilted back and he opens his mouth and let's out that "bahhhhhh !" it sounds all electronic. Oh and another thing i never saw or heard anything that had to do with his parents. Why is he down in a basement ?


Sorry it did'nt say bahhh ! it said aphex


you meen like in the song??

no it's clear that he says Daaaddddyyy... and the remixes, lol

the scariest part is the beginning


It's not even scary!


he said aphex. sorry.


The scariest part is when they film his tongue flapping rapidly in his mouth in vibe with the electonic sound. That disturbed me deeply.

- Every Living Creature On This Earth Dies Alone -


he doesnt say "daddy" or "aphex" or anything like that.. its just vowel sounds with electronic affects on them and there is a bass thump at the beginnings.

and i was totally disturbed at the beginning when he starts breathing really weird and then flips out while the Psychiatrist is talking... creepy


He DOES say aphex.

Speed up the track to twice the original speed. It's a recording of Richard D James saying 'Aphex' slowed down and digitally manipulated.


yeah, he says aphex :)

I didn't really find the video scary.. disturbing, yes. the only part that made me jump a bit was when the "aaappheeex" thing started. I didn't hear the song before, and I didn't expect it :P


Johnny mentions his mom in the beginning, and his dad pops in a couple of times to yell at him.

And as for why he's in the basement, if you had a kid like Johnny, where YOU keep him?

