What's Rubber Johnny?

What is Rubber Johnny and what is so scary about it (spoilers please)

I'm alright with scary stuff but abstract fear-inducing stuff freaks me out so spoilers would be nice.


go to www.wimp.com and watch a video called "fake disturbing animation"


just watch it its not so bad


Yeah, I'm a huge Aphex Twin fan, and the first time I watched this I couldn't even get 20 seconds into it. The next day, however, I wanted to be a bit abusive to myself, and ended up watching it anyway.

You have to watch it - it's a lot more entertaining than you think.


rubber johnny is a shape-shifting mutant child.

A little bit disturbing, but its totally awesome.



I totally know what you mean. The intro was scary, well, just the part when Johnny gets freaked out from the doctor and goes wild.

When the music starts to play, it isn't so bad.


Please, if Rubber Johnny was real, that dog would be LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG dead, with those lazer things he shoots out his hands.
PS, i f you go on Ebaumbsworld.com and see it, you an pause it and see hes a grown man posing in wierd positions. That was the funnyest thing of all. ONE TIME HE MOONED YOU! you have to pause it at the right time. The begining looks real. I thought it was an alien tape, stole from the government. Fookin scary.


it's really not scary at all. it's kind of weird.



Here, in Britain, it's slang for condoms and it's scary because you'll never know when they're defected. It can easily rip.


I saw it one night one ebaums world about a year ago but it was listed as REAL ALIEN VIDEO. Everybody that watched it thought we where watching something real and it scared the *beep* out of us for the first couple minutes of it but once you watch on YouTube and see it start dancing and doing lines of coke, its pretty funny.


You do know that it's suppose to be a mutant child!?!?


The child is a hydrocephalus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocephaly


its chris cunningham who plays the role

