US release date?

Does anybody know when this film will be released in the U.S.? I am very anxious to see it, at least because of the controversy surrounding it. I split my time between the U.S. and Poland, so I have seen many differing views of Solidarity and Walesa.


WALENTYNOWISZ, GWIAZDA, OLSZEWSKi (Polish ex Prime-minister... he wanted LUSTRATION in 1992, he was only 6 monht Prime-Minister!!!), ROMASZEWSKI, KACZYNSKI BROTHERS, ANTONI MACIEREWICZ, BOGDAN BORUSEWICZ - they all think that Walesa was TW 'Bolek'...


Wybacz, ale Kaczor nie ma pojecia, o czym mowi. Jesli Walesa byl agentem, to Janusz Korwin-Mikke bedzie nastepnym premierem.


It comes out on Friday in limited release...
