
the inquisition was the act of a New Spanish government to rid it's country of invaders(moors, jews, blacks, berbers, goths) the only bad aspect of it was the persecution of native Pagan religious practices, particularly in Basque country. The Moors rarely force converted their subjects, instead they pressured you to convert with extra taxes for being non-muslim and by the typical occupation army tactics(beating people in the streets, random murders, etc). The moors enslaved more people in their 700 year occupation than all of ancient roman history and modern the entire atlantic slave trade combined. There was one amazing un intended effect of the inquisition, many intellectuals and artists weren't religious and didn't want to convert or die so they fled to Italy to major cities, such a mass movement and concentration of artists and intellectuals at one time created the renaissance and because of that western civilization thrived and we wouldn't be using computers at this moment, everything would be centuries behind(technology, art, architecture, philosophy, religious tolerance etc) , this also directly lead to the reformation since many of the persecuted became critical of the church but were nevertheless christians that didn't want to follow the Church of Rome. If there were no inquisition, We wouldn't have anything that we value today and Spain would be full of violence(all multicultural civilizations have higher instances of violence)
