this show blows

this show is so bad, i dont know how people can even watch it.
its supposed to be a comedy show but i dont find it funny at all.
they should stop this show as soon as possible.


It's pretty awful. The only reason it got picked up was because of Teresa Pavlinek's success with Women Fully Clothed. Before that, no one wanted to even look at it. I put it in the "will watch if there's absolutely nothing else on, not even the weather channel" category. Otherwise, it's not that riveting.


It was pretty bad but oh well what do you expect for an obvious small budget Canadian show? I think it's off the air.


I think it was canceled (finally and mercifully), it was a turd of a show.


It's a shame, she's a nice woman who deserves some sort of measurable success in her future work.


I like the actress who plays the main character (Jane) even though I don't know what else I've seen her in. She has a real distinct look though and is tall, I know I've seen her in something and she just seems likable. I don't think she is the problem with The Jane Show I think it is a problem with the writing or directing or both. It's just not a funny show, you can't blame the actors when they don't have good material to act with.
