Great Film

The only real problem I had with this movie was when Jared showed up. It was just so out of place and seemed to kill the tension they had set up. Other than that this was a great film. I especially liked the Eugene O'Fitzpatrick character. Unfortunately it appears he won't be in the sequel. I just hope they take time to write him out, it only takes a couple lines of dialouge to do. I hate it when characters just disappear in sequels.

I give this film a 9/10.


I actually thought the Jared thing was funny. A goofy little joke that personally gave me a little chuckle, especially when we got to see Freddy kill Jared. Without that scene, we'd have been out one good laugh, and one Freddy kill. I can definitely understand what you mean, though. I just personally loved that scene.

I also agree with you about Eugene and about the sequel. I always hate when an important character isn't in a sequel and they don't even make mention of it. It is just so easy to make up an excuse in the movie that I wish movies would more often. They have to know fans want to know.

For example, in this case they could maybe say Eugene went to Philadelphia, or California, or something to try to set up another Ghostbusters location there. I'm guessing, though, that they probably just won't make mention of him. Not really a big deal, but it would be nice for him to have a cameo, or for them to mention him.

Proud member of the IMDb Ministry of Darkness

That's right, boys...IT'S DOCTOR VENKMAN!!!
