worst scene?

hahahaha Trick Question!

every scene and every shot rendered are completely marvelous and nothing short of genius!


I'd have to go with the scene where the wardon throws the rock at the poster in Andy's cell. The look of shock on his face when he realises there is a huge hole in the wall(behind the poster) is just not believable at all. I would expect him to be laughing his ass off. Mabye saying something like "That Andy!"


I'm assuming, Manly, that you're being facetious. If so, ha ha. If not, what movie were YOU watching? No cell, no warden, no Andy.


It sounds like he's confusing this movie with 'The Shawshank Redemption.'


I feel really sorry for you if you get Freddy Vs. Ghostbusters and Shawshank mixed up.

All right everybody, drop your tacos or I'll blow your brains out



The what? Don't think I've seen it. Be honest, is that a real film title, or are you just pulling my leg?
