Has to be in english

I think the official language is english (we are living in the ianque imperialism). Unfortunatelly we have to discuss the film in english. They erase the other messages. If you want to talk about the movie, visit orkut.



IMDB does not just list American or English-only movies, so why do you think only English is allowed here? Do you officially authorized speaker for IMDB? Even though IMDB is an American-operated website, Internet is accessible worldwide. If people see a Portuguese-language movie and want to express their opinion in Portuguese, they are entitled to it. Who are you to say they can't do that? If you don't want to participate, just leave.


The Turistas messageboard is FULL of Portuguese posts, with not one of them being erased for the reason of them being in a language that is not English.

I speak several languages, and I have yet to see IMDB remove a post, because it's not in English. There may be a reason why it's removed, but that reason is not the "ianque imperialismo" of English.

Here I have to say one thing:

I am Brazilian too, and it distresses me enormously, when my fellow countrymen decide to act with an enormous complex towards America or the English language.

If you ever have time, get a Brazilian to talk to you about Brazil with 's' or a 'z'. Hoots of laughter it is.

Ultimately, it boils down to having an inferiority complex, because you never see French people, as one example, complaining that they are forced to speak English on IMDB -- and they are very picky about their language.

Grow up, gente.


I think some people have an easier time expressing themselves in their language. I think if it's better and easier for them they should be allowed to do so without people jumping down their throats.
