Episode 13

Can somebody please tell me what happened?

"We live as if the world is what it should be, to show it what it can be."
-Angel Angel


In the first few minutes of the episode, Jaques & D.jr are running into a tavern, running from the royal guards, where they met up with a tavern patron. The patron turns out to be an author who is writing about the young blades. The twist is that the young blades are all characters in his book...literally. Almost as if saying that they don't exist but in the author's mind and book.

The rest of the episode tells of why these two young blades are being chased. It turns out that Jaques bother has returned from the Americas and wanted to speak to her reguarding the cross necklace she gave him before he left France, as a fugative of course.

Siroc and Ramone are busy with the down side of taking a love potion...women loving Siroc and Ramone getting drunk.

Jacques secret meeting grabs the attention of both D. jr and the captin of the guards. D.jr tags along with Jaques and the guards tail them. Side note, D.jr does take the love potion because he likes Jaques; Jaques does make a move for D.jr but he's too much of a gentlemen.

Jaques and D.jr finally meet up with her brother, where he tils her that there is a secret that belongs to the necklace, but were quickly ambushed by the guards. At the end of the fight, the captin of the guards was taken prisoner and Jaques was severly injured. D.jr rides out to get Siroc and Ramone. It didn't take long for the guard to discover that Jaques the Musketeer was not a man but woman.

Jaques and her brother were getting some shut eye when the guard gets the drop on them. There's a big sword fight. Her brother dies and she kills the captin of the guards, effectively killing the man who killed her father. The rest of the young blades arrive and bury her brother.

The show finishes by having Jaques in a white dress and D.jr in a royal getup, their disguises,leaving the tavern, saying lines that the author gave them about fighting for justice and ride off into the misty woods. Oh yeah and Maserith trying to find a new captin of the guards. The End

It was touching and the scene with Siroc and Ramone were hilarious; plus I have a crush on Siroc, my baby. Well, bye.


Thanks a bunch, I too had missed the episode!

"I am vengence. I am the night."6-15-05
