Dear Producers - Just tell the story!

I know they won't read this but it's essential to my therapy to get it off my chest. Too many of these "documentary" reality shows spend way too much time repeating information and flipping back and forth between multiple stories then five minutes of extremely repetetive advertising of what other shows might be on at a different time... It is maddening to say the least. Cut out all the filler and repetition and just give us the damn story!

There was one guy caught at Sydney airport acting nervous and quirky so they detained him and tested for drugs. His luggage came back positive for traces of cocaine and I wanted to see what ended up happening. That would have taken about 5 more minutes, but no! After getting the story 3 minutes at a time, then flipping off to three other stories and inserted repeted advertising for the channel and then having the storyline re-capped several times (I'm shouting at the screen by ths time) we finally find out the guy has no cocaine on him and they let him go. What a goddammed buildup to nothing.

Your show's format pisses me off - just give us the damn story from start to finish in one go. Watching it made me physically ill. Never again. Cheers.



I'm totally with you on this! Repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat... I know that we are in Sidney, I know this passenger is trying to get a visa, I know the dog reacted to that womans bag!!! This show is on Tv2 in Dk without commercial breaks, and lasts for 25 minutes. I figure maybe 15 of those are ok minutes and 10 are repetition. We have similar programs in DK with paramedics, police, airport etc. and it's the ecxact same thing! Also I think they are rerunning the australian program for the third time now. Thank god for stuff like netflix and so on! TV as we know it will hopefully soon be a thing of the past!


Yeah I agree! I was just about to do a post on this. I hate the editing on this show. Keeps jumping from one story to another and on the 3rd or 4th clip one story is finished. I wish they could just do one story at a time then move on to the next. And showing less of these Asians bringing bags full of food.
