S3/Ep2: Blazing Paddles

Blazing Paddles

Uniqua is Sherrif of the small Western town of Ping Pong Mesa. Tyrone is the town saloon barkeep, Tasha is the bar-room dancer and Austin is the Deputy. Then, a stranger enters the town: Pablo, the Ping Pong Bandit, who's the best Ping Pong player in the west. He challenges them to a game of ping pong and, if they lose, they lose their paddles until someone can beat him. Unfortunately, they lose. Finally, Uniqua challenges him and loses as well. She leaves the town in disgrace and, after finding a cactus that looks just like a ping-pong paddle, decides to practice up and return to town in disguise to beat Pablo. Can Uniqua, as the Pink Fury, beat the bandit at his own game and teach him to share?

* Songs
o Howdy, howdy
o Ping-pong
o I Must Be Ready
o No-one Gets to Play Today
o Howdy, Howdy (reprise)


Catchphrase: So long, partner!

Snack: Nachos at Pablo's house.

This is the second episode of season 2, I have yet to see this one as I missed it a few weeks ago. Has anyone else seen it?



I recorded it. I like it a lot. I want someone to [post the "No one Gets To Play Today lyrics. That's my favorite song in Blazin' Paddles.


mine too! but this isn't one of my favorite episodes.


oh. What is tyrone singing at the start of "No One Get's To Play? I don't quite hear what lyrics he sings.


I'll watch it on YOu Tube & listento and read the lyrics of the song soon.
