It's on Netflix

65 episodes (not the entire series but still quite a few episodes, including the unaired ones)

They also have the specials: Snow Job & Dude of the Living Dead


Just finished all the episodes that netflix had last night and i am jonsing for more!

Anyone know where i could download the last 30 or so?


Not on Canadian Netflix :'(. Canadian Netflix seriously sucks badly. And this is a Canadian show, so I don't understand why it's not there... Aw, damn. I watch it all on YouTube for this reason lol.



I hate it when they don't put the whole series on Netflix, I like this show and wanted to watch the episodes I never saw, but looks like I will have to keep looking considering about 1/3 of the show is not on it.

Somewhere there's a land of peace, acceptance, love, and equality. Pray they don't allow humans.


Awesome to see they have the Halloween special.


Not anymore.
