now i know this argument really can't begin until the psp us edition comes out, but lets start it.

i own a ds and am extremely satisfied with it. for all those who say the two screens and touch screen are crap that don't matter, you have to admit that it is a serious innovation. the touch screen makes minigames really possible and controls really advance.

i don't think the psp will live up to the steep $250 price.
i just want to say one thing- THE PSP CAN'T PLAY DVD'S
it will play UMD's, which are a different format not at all compatible either way, so if you want to watch a movie on you dvd player and you psp, you have to buy two formats for about $20 each. and the umd won't have special features

[+[_]: :]
proud owner


the DS can't play DVDs either. What's it matter if the option to play movies on the PSP is/isn't there. If you want to buy the DVD, buy the DVD. If you want to buy the UMD, buy the UMD.



the PSP, strictly speaking, is just a load of multimedia plugged into a bad effort to topple ninty's handheld crown. the bad thing is that it will work, as people will buy into it. DS is all gameplay. IT'S A GAMES CONSOLE. nintendo don't need to put a DVD UMD MP3 SWISS ARMY KNIFE combo on their machines.
another thing, the PSP is delicate. drop the PSP and it's game over for the screen. it's obvious that a lot of thought hasnt been put into it.
and i guess we're all waiting for the new GBA that is rumoured to be out at the end of the year... "the PSP killer".
watch this space, nintendo are soon to be back on top where they belong.


why is it bad if there's the ability to play music and movies in the PSP? Doesn't matter if the DS is a games console or not, they're going to imitate the PSP to the best of their abilities ANYWAY (with the mp3/movie thing they're making for the GameBoy/DS that hasn't been released in America yet). They don't need to do it for the DS but they're going to anyway, and people will buy it anyway, and it will make the DS's oh-so-attractive price point in comparison to the PSP the same.

And if you drop your PSP then you deserve to have it broken. Take care of your stuff, you pay money for it so that you can use it not so that you can throw it around.



the reason nintendo is so great is because they're creative; they put innovation to use

without innovation, the same crap would be coming out over and over again. not in a long time have we seen such a hardware innovation.

what was said at the sony conference room was stuff like "how can we make this thing be powerful, small, and sexy?" and the stuff at the nintendo conference table was more of the genre, "how can we make it new and fun?"

therefore, if sony ruled the video game industry (which it's unfortunately looking like :( ), they would ruin the video game industry.

[+[_]: :]
proud owner


Looks like the video game industry is doing just fine. Sony just sells a piece of hardware, its the software that rules the industry in reality, even though hardware does take an important part in it.

The time of having independent video game console makers like Nintendo and SEGA is coming to an end, that's just the way it is going to be.





Nintendo reigning supreme is an opinion that is severely flawed. Nintendo only ACTS like they are, but the truth of the matter is that they're last in this gen and are losing ground each day. You're blind if you can't see that.

The touchscreen and microphone may make the DS's gameplay more fun, BUT THERE ARE NO GAMES TO BACK UP THIS CLAIM AT ALL. All the games for the DS are lackluster at best and there are no GAMES behind the DS to prove that it is anything more than a gimmick at this stage. The DS has been out for 6 months already in the US, and they don't have crap to back it up with. On the other hand the PSP already has a good set of games, such as Metal Gear Ac!d, Untold Legends, Wipeout Pure, Lumines, Mercury, etc. and has only been out for about 2 months.

"And all of you who say that the PSP is better because it has more features, you won't be saying this for long."

If this is the reference to the Play-Yan device that may or may not come over to the states, its selling for roughly 50 bucks in Japan. This alone will create the DS's "cheap price point" escalate farther and closing the margin between the two, for features the PSP already has and does better.

You may think the PSP's "extra" features are gimmicks, but they're not, they're actually useful and you can get some actual use out of them.

"The DS offers originality that you won't on another gaming system."

The DS offers a miniscule amount of originality, and like I said before, the games are not even that great.

"I think that if you want to have the same features of the PSP, you could just buy a PS2, a portable TV, an MP3 player, and a lap top."

I don't know whether to laugh at this comment or what. Do you know how much the PSP costs? Its 250. A PS2, portable TV, an mp3 player and a laptop together costs more than 250 dollars. This is the reason why you would get a PSP instead of all those things, cause I don't think I'd like to lug around 100 pounds worth of stuff wherever I went so I could play games on the go. You're just crazy.

And I think if you want the same features as the DS, you should get a PDA, because that's where touch screen games originated. The DS just copies that aspect. Right now, all the DS has is good PDA games, and PDA games suck balls to begin with so that's not saying much.

"Oh, you mean the same way that Sony copied Nintendo in the first place?"

Oh you mean how Nintendo copied Atari in the first place?



The PSP is just a portable PS2 with features added on from stuff a lot of people have anyway.

"There is only one goblin... the GRRREEEEEEN goblin!"


yeah, exactly.



The touchscreen and microphone may make the DS's gameplay more fun, BUT THERE ARE NO GAMES TO BACK UP THIS CLAIM AT ALL

Wario Touched makes use of both of these actually. All of the games on it are touchscreen or microphone and are very enjoyable so your argument holds no ground

As for me, I own a DS. I'm an avid PS 2 player, I have plenty of games for it and consider it the best console (In my opinion) and I considered holding off and buying the PSP when it comes out in the UK in September but I didn't for various reasons

(1) The Price - £180 with no games? No chance. My DS cost £170 and came with 3 games

(2) Release Date - I needed something to kill the boredom at my work and I couldn't be bothered waiting for the PSP in September

(3) Games - Quite a few of the games are ports of PS 2 games or updates of PS 1 games which to me smacks of laziness. Due to me not having owned a Nintendo console before I can be assured of not having the same problem with the DS. Also Nintendo are known for having some bvery cool games


just because that one game makes use of it, doesn't mean that it makes the DS's gameplay as a whole worth it. I didn't say that there were no games that USED them.




Q: First of all, can you tell me what you think a gimick is?

A significant feature (stylus, microphone, second screen) that is obscured, misrepresented, or not readily evident; a catch.

Before you call playing music and movies a gimmick, take a look at that definition again.

Q: Whats the difference between the play-yan and the PSP's mp3 player?

Nothing, except you have to buy it as an extra thing, and its not integrated into the product.

Q: Nintendo did not copy Atari. They took what Atari had acheived and built upon it to create the platformer which is still around today, unlike Atari (as a system).

Ok then. You can see it that way if you like.

Q: Whether the games on PSP and DS are good or not is a matter of opinion, but I happen to think that most games on the PSP and PS2 suck.

Well you just contradicted yourself. Just because you think it sucks, then that must mean you just don't like any game that Nintendo doesn't feature on their console.

Q: Most of them are sports games, racing games, and futuristic alien fighting games, with sequals just as crappy as the original.

UMMMM....do you even KNOW anything about games? There's all kinds of games on the PS2, and just because they don't have Mario/Luigi/Metroid/Yoshi/Zelda or some other franchise name slapped in the name doesn't mean its not a good game. Have you HEARD of God of War? Have you HEARD of any of the Final Fantasy games or the Dark Cloud games?

Q: But Nintendo still continues games that came out over 20 years ago.

And that's the main problem. They need to make new games really innovatingly using the things of the DS and new ideas in general, and they haven't been doing it.

Q: Even if Playstation does outlive Nintendo, I doubt it will have the luck to stay out of the shadow of some higher gaming system that will come along.

Ok, whatever. Unless the U.S. government brings out their own console system, and put billions of dollars into it and give everyone in the world a free one, then I doubt anything is going to "overshadow" it like you say.

Q: The PSP takes features that have been used to death and crams them into one crappy box that would break if you dropped a pencil on it.

I call it convenient. that's why we have bottle openers with a can opener on the other side, and refrigerators with freezers in them.

Q: i want something new

and you honestly think that the DS gave you that?

Q: beacuse you cant watch tv on a PSP

Yet. There are plans to download tv shows to your memory card and watch it on the PSP. If you mean live tv, the DS can't do it either, so why should there be a double standard? You better add a portable satellite tv tuner (i hear those are mighty expensive) so you can watch live TV on your portable TV running on the generator you bring along with you everywhere.




You think that its a problem that Nintendo has kept the same characters for all these years? If people still buy those games, they must be doing something right. Through all these years, I havent noticed much of a change in the characters that started it all. Thats a good thing, because I'd hate to see Mario going out with a pistol to shoot some pimps, or something like that.

you're twisting what i said. I meant they need NEW games. Not new games with the same names slapped on it.

You have got to be fu(l<ing kidding me.

So i'm guessing this is a no?





DS hands down! Why? Mario 64 DS, Wario Ware Touched!, Meteos, Nintendogs, Viewtiful Joe: Scratched, GoldenEye, New Super Mario Bros., Metroid Prime: Hunters, Electroplankton, Ultimate Brain Games, Mario Kart (online!), Animal Crossing (online!), Nanostray, Advanced Wars, Trace Memory, Lost in Blue, Castlevania and Mario and Luigi 2.


PSP and DS are both great, it just depends on what kind of gamer you are. If your looking for a mulitimedia tool, you buy the psp. If you want a portable device which is ficsated more on gaming than its other features, you get the DS.

I've played games on both, and I can say both times were really fun.

Though I kind of resent nintend for making animal crossing.


I just think the DS is cooler, I bought it just 2 days ago (saddly I only have mario 64 DS, no yoshi touch and go as I wanted, or URBZ).
The DS is PLENTY better than PSP, I have used both (a friend of mine lended me his psp) and I can certanly say: "PSP has better hardware... Good thing the DS is better in anything else".
I just don't Like psp, is too... "REMAKE"... let's be serious, the PSP is just the kind of item someone would just want because of it's multimedia, if it weren't for that it would just be another "GB wannabe"


This is my opinion on all of this mess. The Nintendo DS is without a doubt one of the worst mistakes by Nintendo since the Virtual Boy. Like the Virtual Boy, Nintendo is trying to sell the DS based on a new feature you won't find on another video game system. Now thats all fine and dandy, but they used a crappy feature. How many things can you use a touchscreen for, honestly? It's going to get really old, really fast. And even if you don't like the touch screen, the games force you to use it. When you get a star on Mario 64 DS, you have to touch one of the options afterward, you can't hit A or start, you are forced to touch the screen. I'm not lazy or anything, but it's just a hassle that does not need to be. Crappy games are going to be made so you can use the touch screen in more ways. Which brings another point, the games. The games so far are pure crap. Super Mario 64 was probably the best game ever on 64, it was pretty much flawless. And instead of making a completly new title, all Nintendo did was make a port with new features. They are doing the same thing with Mario Kart, releasing the 64 version on the DS, but with extra features. One good thing out of this is the Wi-Fi playing. And yes, I know they are making SOME new games, like The Metroid Game, Yoshi Touch and Go, Kirbys new thing, and a couple others. But their original games are pointless and have very little effort put into them (Nintendogs, enough said). The way it is built is also a hassle. In the world of consoles, the DS is an inbred outcast. It is a 3-D game console, but it has no analog stick, which is just a crime. And even if they were going to make an analog stick, the damn thing wouldn't be able to close. It sucks to play game boy advance games on it, because the a and b buttons are in a different place on the DS, so running on Super Mario Bros. has become something to master. The PSP has released in it's short life, games that are both new and fun. Nintendo is seriously on the verge of destruction. They f'd up big time with Gamecube, and with the next gen wave coming, don't be surprised if Nintendo is dead in five years. And about Mario shooting up pimps, don't be surprised if it does happen. He takes over every other type of game.



grimreaper, youve mixed up quite a few of your "facts", i dont think you own a ds. do you know the reason why the ds doesnt have an analog stick? it has a touch screen. but a touch screen can be used for more than control, its also an input devise. as sario said, mario kart ds is not mario kart 64. it only has one 64 level. it also has a snes, gba, and gamecube level. what interesting new games does the psp have? it has a load of ports too, fyi. midnight club 3, with its loading times... think about it. the ds is the perfect system for original games. it will have an original viewtiful joe (double trouble), an original prince of persia (battles), an original tony hawk, an original tomagotchi, plus nintendogs, animal crossing, metroid hunters, mario kart ds, black and white creatures, katamari demacy ds, sonic rush, advance wars, castlevania, the list goes on and on and on. all i think of when i hear psp, is grand theft auto: liberty city stories and, wow, you can load nes, snes, and gb emulators on it! more nintendo! nintendo may be down in the dump with its consoles, but its handhelds always win. even going up against huge challenges like sega and, yes, sony.



Ds is better for one thing its portable for 15 hours of play. psp is 1 hour and a half. not much time to see a movie or good for long trips. they have made a battery pack for psp in japan that increses the life span of psp batteries byan hour for 40$, lame. sure it had dvd thing of a jig but you have to buy it at the same dvd price but no special features. ds not only has touch control it has a mic, in nintendogs you can say like roll over. and in first person shoters, its esayer to control since the touch screen can move the gun around making it faster to shoot a guy behined you and 2 screens can be usefull to put the action on one screen and map and info on the other. Ds has new games that no other system can do. all psp games are seqals or on other systems, sure it has all that stuff jamed into it but when will play station make some thing new like nintendo for example. dk drums or make like a game that exist and make it more intresting like mario kart or mario golf those rock. ps os only in it for money and dont care what is put into there games no matter how violent it is. also x box 360 games made by micro soft can be played on ds. its a rumer and also there making play yan. it plays movies music on ds and gba.


Ds is better for one thing its portable for 15 hours of play. psp is 1 hour and a half. not much time to see a movie or good for long trips. they have made a battery pack for psp in japan that increses the life span of psp batteries byan hour for 40$, lame. sure it had dvd thing of a jig but you have to buy it at the same dvd price but no special features. ds not only has touch control it has a mic, in nintendogs you can say like roll over. and in first person shoters, its esayer to control since the touch screen can move the gun around making it faster to shoot a guy behined you and 2 screens can be usefull to put the action on one screen and map and info on the other. Ds has new games that no other system can do. all psp games are seqals or on other systems, sure it has all that stuff jamed into it but when will play station make some thing new like nintendo for example. dk drums or make like a game that exist and make it more intresting like mario kart or mario golf those rock. ps os only in it for money and dont care what is put into there games no matter how violent it is. also x box 360 games made by micro soft can be played on ds. its a rumer and also there making play yan. it plays movies music on ds and gba.


DS is the best, PSP can suck my balls.


Do we really need to argue about 2 systems that arent even in the same market. Sony and Nintendo both have agreed that there not intended for the same audience. I find both machine very unique and great, the DS with its inovation/game selection and the PSP with its multimedia hardware and good graphics. The UMD's are great and the DS carts are small and secrete. Even though the DS doesnt have great graphics it has its great game selection and the touch screen. And the PSP has the multimedia but a very crappy game selection. I personally love my psp but I don't think anything less that the DS (ok maybe a little but thats just me, its still a great system). I get really pissed at the big N's fanboys trying to start crap like how the DS or the Revolution are going to have have "massvie N00b pwn3ge" over the PS3 or the 360. THERE NOT THE SAME HARDWARE.


^Oops that was on my sister's account^

Plus for a little joke get two psp's and a playgear pocket and put them in both of the sections when its open. Viola! DSP!!!!!! With two touch screen's, sounds up to 3 kajillion decibles, a battery that lives up too 30 seconds and built in hairdryer its the ultimate gaming machine! Plus! it comes in GUN METAL!!!!!!!!!!!! lol me and a friend got bored a few days ago.


psp is just a load of crap they put together, the games are just watered down versions of ps2 games that came about a week ago. no point to buy a psp game if u have it on ps2. nintendo makes there ds games sequals instead of consol watered down remakes. buy a ds for its free wifi, 2 screens, builed in mic and amazing game play that are new and no other system can do this. if we relly on graphics, the game will freze up and cause freezes and long load times. psp it to expensive, its a game system without any good games. look up psp in google and it will say DID YOU MEANS OVER PRICED GAME SYSTEM FOR IDIOTS


I like your sn timrulz53
lets see if I can do it.

I'm more of a man than youll ever be and more of a women then youll ever get -Angel Dumott-Schunard



Sony is creating a portable console, Nintendo is creating a handheld gaming device. (I got this paraphrased quote from an issue of EGM. I'll verify which one later.)
And I agree, the PSP is just trying to do everything PlayStation can, games, movies, & music.
The DS is for playing games. Period.

Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici
