Cheesy script

This film has thw cheesiest script by far of any film in this series of movies. I cannot believe Christian Bale agreed to take this part. I read later exactly what I am writing here; C. Bale told McG (before accepting the part) he didnt believe McG had the experience to direct a film of this magnitude. McG agreed; but to his credit, he asked Bale to give him a shot, and Bale did. In tge end, however, Bale was right. THE film was a huge flop; if had a monstrous budget ($200 mil), which in the Trivia section is listed as a record for a 100% privately produced film (there was no studio money put up at all!). Also, the script was re-written a multitude of times; wirst of all is the rant that Bale went on when the cinematographer mistakenly walked behind Bale while the film was rolling. It has now been infamously recorded and posted on U-Tube. I have 2 things to say about what C. Bale did. First, I have gotten that angry before when someone screwed up professionalkt, and I reacted badly about it. Second, Bale went way over the top. I dont care eho he is or what the guy did, if I had been tbat guy I would have told Bale to stfu for acting that way towards me or anyone else. The director shiwed ehat an ameteur he was by letting Bale go on a 5 monute rant. Screw him! He is an actir! So what? That does not give him the right to be as condescending and demeanibg as he was towards tge cinematographer. I dont care how famous a star he is. The bittom line is he is a person: no better or worse than the next guy. I know this: if the shoe was on the other foot, he would have left the set in tears. That was gutless. He did apologize later, but that was too little too late. I like him a lot as an actor; he has a long way to go as a human being.
