LOVED this movie!

Freakin' unique and brilliant!


I agree :D

"And Its cold outside, and i can feel the winter..."


The movie itself was okay. Too predictable and you dont really give a what about what the mafia-boss does ten til noon, or that he's gay, you dont care about the cameraguys and stuff. I want to see more about the main characters and WHY they are at this point! Feels like they just wanted to make a 90 min movie and had to fill the blanks with something..
Being the first movie by the director, it's really good! I've seen far worse ealry movies by more known directors.

And Morgan Freeman's son did a great job, I wanna see more of that guy!

5/10, but ill give it a 6 because it's the first movie and for casting Alfonso Freeman. :)


Dude, you thought this was predictable? Not me, I didn't know what was gonna happen. I watch alot of these kinds of movies and there were some serious suprises here. I mean, I made some mental guesses, but I was wrong each time. That doesn't happen with me too often.

To each his own, I guess, but I loved this film and want to see it again. It was really different than the routine stuff and that's why I dug it. It completely hooked me in.

But yeah, Freeman was really good, but not as good as the Mr Duke guy. He was one scary bald dude.


i dont see how any of you guys could really like it. or if so, why.
