Is it really possible?

Ever since reading the book a few years ago I've always wondered if it's really possible to live a life like Socrates described. What are your thoughts on this? Is there anyone who has attempted or accomplished this?


Yes there are many successful gas station attendants.



I think Socrates would approve of this reply. :)

As for if it's possible, there's only one way to find out:
Doing. With a clear mind. Right here. Right now.



You can live this if only you have warrior ability to apply all wisdom given in the book on yourself otherwise nothing will happens.

I pay my movie subscriptions with money made online


"Attempting" implies starting and "accomplishing" implies ending; like Soc says, there is no starting or stopping. You're just doing, or you aren't. And the more you do it the more skillful you get, that's why we call it 'practice.'

(Just to say it outright- the philosophy at the heart of this is Buddhism, and there are like 500 million Buddhists in the world [wikipedia says between 485 and 535 million]. Of course plenty of those are just "Buddhists" because it's the norm for their country/town/family and doesn't mean much to them [same as plenty of "Christians" or "Muslims," etc], but plenty do take seriously the mindfulness Buddhism espouses. So those millions of people would probably say 'yes' to your question.)

I'm an island- peopled by bards, scientists, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars & warrior-poets.
