Pretentious piece of crap

This movie in no way, shape, or form "inspired" me. The main character is contemptuous, the message full of new-age rhetoric, and the teacher no more than a macguffin. If you get anything from this movie, you must have been a pretty lousy person to begin with.


I've felt exactly like the subject line says about this film.
As a kid i liked these sort of movies, a la Karate Kid and others - wise teacher teaches a wimp how to beat everyone or how to win, while occasionally spouting bits of eastern-like wisdom.
But in real life unfortunately these don't work at all, i instantly disliked this movie and turned it off, when the old guy started teaching about looking inside yourself.
I did this before - in myself i found no source of eternal goodness and no solutions to problems, in fact i was more inclined to do evil and be proud, when thinking i can do everything myself.
I've read lots of these pseudo-intellectual or new-age stuff books - but as a result you get nothing good, just long explanations why something is this or that, and worthless recipes like "you just let it go, imagine this, meditate, do a mantra/affirmation, love yourself/cosmos or breathe in and out".
The only thing that got me any good results was the New Testament, not that i instantly became sinless like Jesus Christ, but slowly but increasingly better relations with people, decreasing pride, etc.
So I don't thank the creators of such movies, but i thank God for his son Jesus Christ.


Yeah, pretty much this. I am not saying that one should not try to be fit and healthy. But you can't dedicate all your life to sports and karate. One has to work his brains too.

Guess there really are people who act worse than 12 year olds.


@ Cousineoleg, how can you put down new age stuff, yet follow all that bible nonsense? Now THAT's nonsense, for clear reasons you can find pretty much anywhere, if you choose to look for it... You made good sense up until that part, pretty much.


@ Cousineoleg, how can you put down new age stuff, yet follow all that bible nonsense? Now THAT's nonsense, for clear reasons you can find pretty much anywhere, if you choose to look for it... You made good sense up until that part, pretty much.

I understand that for a human away from belief in Jesus Christ, the Bible may feel nonsensical and offensive - since it's not pleasant to see that i'm a vile sinner and have my self-righteousness shattered. I was like that for many years, having grown in a basically atheist family (we never went to church, spoke of God and Jesus, etc), reading the Bible, not really understanding what it's about, then putting it away for years.

But when my life started to become a period of constant fear, depression and bumping into numerous problems i couldn't solve, I first turned to the new age and psychology books hoping for answers and help - they didn't work at all, but one book of these referred some verses from the Bible that had some sense and clues regarding my problems.

In desperation i turned to the New Testament, then through the words of Jesus Christ, i saw that my whole life conduct was flawed, i was constantly living in sin, stupid rebellion, hate, etc. When i tried to apply Jesus words of repenting to God of my sins, not lying, not hating, forgiving, being loving instead of selfish - then i saw my life was getting slowly, but increasingly better. That's why i wrote that what Lord Jesus Christ teaches does work for good.

Try reading the New Testament, little by little, and applying it in your life, then you'll see the results.
May God help you find love, peace and salvation in faith in his son Jesus Christ.


I don't mind people like you who only take the good things from the bible, but at the same time, have you looked into all the power struggles, lies, treachery, and deceiving that has changed the bible over the years? That, and how it was written much after Jesus' time. I don't say that in an insulting manner, but apart from me being a skeptical person and knowing how people changed anything and everything simply to control people, I can't logically see Christianity as making any sense... Aside from moral codes that existed even before its time. To me it would make more sense to look further back from Christianity if you're going to follow a religious code.

Personally, I find Buddhism to make the most sense, though I don't consider myself religious. It's based on logical thought, finding truth and peace within yourself as opposed to asking a deity for it, and doesn't ask for worship or that you're a sinner. More that you are imperfect, and life is the pursuit of truly finding yourself - in essence, your entire life is good if you make it good, bad if you make it bad.. But you aren't inherently bad. Anyhow, I find a lot of that sort of stuff that Buddhism teaches to make the most logical sense, in terms of religion. I wouldn't consider calling myself anything, as my life is a constant evolution of thoughts and ideas about existence.

Just curious, though, why didn't the new age stuff speak to you?


I don't mind people like you who only take the good things from the bible, but at the same time, have you looked into all the power struggles, lies, treachery, and deceiving that has changed the bible over the years? That, and how it was written much after Jesus' time. I don't say that in an insulting manner, but apart from me being a skeptical person and knowing how people changed anything and everything simply to control people, I can't logically see Christianity as making any sense... Aside from moral codes that existed even before its time. To me it would make more sense to look further back from Christianity if you're going to follow a religious code.

What you're saying is that Bible ain't to be trusted.
I disagree with it, since it works into good, and if all people were perfect and would follow Jesus in everything, then life could have been pretty good, even here on earth.
As it said in 2 Timothy 3:16-17:
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

False man-made gospels are easy to identify according to 1 John 4:2
"This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,"

Personally, I find Buddhism to make the most sense, though I don't consider myself religious. It's based on logical thought, finding truth and peace within yourself as opposed to asking a deity for it, and doesn't ask for worship or that you're a sinner. More that you are imperfect, and life is the pursuit of truly finding yourself - in essence, your entire life is good if you make it good, bad if you make it bad.. But you aren't inherently bad. Anyhow, I find a lot of that sort of stuff that Buddhism teaches to make the most logical sense, in terms of religion. I wouldn't consider calling myself anything, as my life is a constant evolution of thoughts and ideas about existence.

Just curious, though, why didn't the new age stuff speak to you?

If finding truth and peace in myself worked, I would not have been confessing Lord Jesus Christ. If truths were many, people would have been doing what they want (murderers/thieves/rapists/greedy do make up their own truths, but affect other people badly) and constantly fighting, and this is already happening, thanks to God only that it's not so widespread.

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

As far as you explained Buddhism to me, it seems rather empty and worthless - and it reminds of satan's temptation of Eve and Jesus: do you what you want, there's no bad in it - in real life this fails badly. For instance i decide that it's ok to hit people, as i wish; i'm sure they will not be satisfied, if i tell them i'm a buddhist.
Instead i want to people to treat me good, and i want to do the same as Jesus said:

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)

First you agree with my first post, but then you ask me about new age? Re-read my first post again - it doesn't work for good.

May God lead you to accept his son Jesus Christ as your savior.


One of cousinoleg's posts:

"I was like that for many years, having grown in a basically atheist family (we never went to church, spoke of God and Jesus, etc), reading the Bible, not really understanding what it's about, then putting it away for years."

That's pretty much my life as well, but societal pressure sucked me into Christianity. I went to a church and sincerely believed for years, though I had to struggle with unjust doctrines of the churches I otherwise admired.

Then I read some atheist Bible scholars' treatises which showed how the history in the Bible is factually inaccurate and some of its "morals" (which are trumpeted dangerously by many political interest groups in USA) are simply reflections of the tribal prejudices of the culture which created the Bible. At that point I realised that the Bible is simply another human social-control project like the Buddhist writings, the Koran, or Das Kapital.

These are two of the most persuasive arguments for atheistic morality that I know of:


That's pretty much my life as well, but societal pressure sucked me into Christianity. I went to a church and sincerely believed for years, though I had to struggle with unjust doctrines of the churches I otherwise admired.

Then I read some atheist Bible scholars' treatises which showed how the history in the Bible is factually inaccurate and some of its "morals" (which are trumpeted dangerously by many political interest groups in USA) are simply reflections of the tribal prejudices of the culture which created the Bible. At that point I realised that the Bible is simply another human social-control project like the Buddhist writings, the Koran, or Das Kapital.

These are two of the most persuasive arguments for atheistic morality that I know of...

Why do you try to lead people away from the straight way of belief in Lord Jesus Christ?
It's too bad you didn't see on your own skin the effects of sin and living in the darkness of unbelief - to understand why you need Jesus Christ.
If the gain of unbelief is any good, why didn't people leave peacefully and "tolerantly" in it till now? Open your eyes, and look at the example of countries that had human morals, but rejected God (ie. USSR) - where are they?
Hopefully someday God will make you get back to him and reject doctrines of men, that sound good, but in reality work only for the material gain of their creators and sooner of later fail.

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." (Matthew 7:15)

How about human laws and doctrines (including atheism)?
Why do you accept them? since they're too a social-control project.
But in the end, God is above us, He knows better, since human laws sometimes fail, so it is better to choose the salvation and the laws of the Creator of the Universe.
Someone who built something knows how it works better,
than somebody who uses it without instruction - making his own incomplete laws.
Of course, some people who want to go their way, will count the Bible morals as dangerous - dangerous to satisfaction of their evil desires.
The articles you added have beautiful slogans - human rights, tolerance, freedom of religion and speech (though not the belief/confession in/of Jesus somehow), succesful economy (while having colossal debts and every decade hitting a financial crisis).
Anyway such that proclaim these are like the pharisees that rejected Jesus, despite looking holy and godly, were exposed by him as they were:
'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'
(Matthew 15:8-9)

So now open your ears, and listen - who do you want to follow?
Somebody who wants your salvation and prosperation or somebody who wants to exploit you for their gain while leading you to ruin?

May God lighten up your heart, soul and mind with his love and grace - to leave the futile rebellion you remain in since your forced church going.


I am atheist because there is no evidence for God's existence, at least that I know of. If you can point out any to me, I'll be glad to examine it.

Example: Jesus is said to have impressive magical powers regarding medicine and weather control. In Mark 16 he says that his followers will have the same magical powers, which they make much use of in Acts. So why don't Christians have these magical powers today? If there are any confirmed, tested cases of prayer curing cancer any time recently, that would definitely push me in the right direction. Or God could prove himself by resurrecting the World Trade Towers just as they were before 9/11/01 with all the people inside brought back to life, which would almost certainly be a deathblow for atheism.

The idea that morality comes from "God's commands" is flawed, because it is impossible to know what God's commands are. Hundreds of different sects have conflicting doctrine: one says it's sin to eat pork but not beef, one has that reversed, one mandates vegetarianism, one mandates eating meat, one says that life-saving medical blood transfusions are an abomination, one forbids wearing clothing made of two fabrics, etc. A mortal sin in one sect can be a divine mission in another, so what is the basis for determining the correct one?

Even if we deduce which religion is correct, God's commands must past the test of logic. If God declares that "x is a sin" when x is a harmless action with no victim, there must be a reason for considering x a sin beyond "because it is God's will". If God did not arbitrarily declare x a sin, would x be perfectly okay?

Eg., at the topless beach where I caretake while scoping the supermodel wannabes, I often see a little boy playing with his two shavenheaded mommies, and they come across as a very happy family. Too many pundits in my country say that such a family arrangement is a civilisation-threatening abomination, and would make legislation to break that family apart, for no reason that I can fathom.

Biblical morality is horrendously flawed. The first 40% of the Ten Commandments crush the basic freedoms that my country was founded on, and other parts of the Bible show God gleefully approving of genocide. It is clear to me that the Bible's author was not an all knowing superbeing, but a committee of primitive men whose childish, petulant God was a mirror of their own shortcomings.


I am atheist because there is no evidence for God's existence, at least that I know of. If you can point out any to me, I'll be glad to examine it.

Example: Jesus is said to have impressive magical powers regarding medicine and weather control. In Mark 16 he says that his followers will have the same magical powers, which they make much use of in Acts. So why don't Christians have these magical powers today? If there are any confirmed, tested cases of prayer curing cancer any time recently, that would definitely push me in the right direction. Or God could prove himself by resurrecting the World Trade Towers just as they were before 9/11/01 with all the people inside brought back to life, which would almost certainly be a deathblow for atheism.

You must realize that Jesus Christ asked to believe in him as Son of God, and even though he did miracles in front of many people, not all did believe in him, despite obvious results. (Matthew 21:21) (Matthew 28:17)
In the other times when meeting agressive unbelievers, Jesus wouldn't give them a miracle or couldn't heal them. (Mark 8:11-13), (Mark 6:1-6)
If you really want testimonies of miracles, search the internet, there are tons of these; but one needs faith to accept them in his heart as God's work.

The idea that morality comes from "God's commands" is flawed, because it is impossible to know what God's commands are. Hundreds of different sects have conflicting doctrine: one says it's sin to eat pork but not beef, one has that reversed, one mandates vegetarianism, one mandates eating meat, one says that life-saving medical blood transfusions are an abomination, one forbids wearing clothing made of two fabrics, etc. A mortal sin in one sect can be a divine mission in another, so what is the basis for determining the correct one?

Even if we deduce which religion is correct, God's commands must past the test of logic. If God declares that "x is a sin" when x is a harmless action with no victim, there must be a reason for considering x a sin beyond "because it is God's will". If God did not arbitrarily declare x a sin, would x be perfectly okay?

Eg., at the topless beach where I caretake while scoping the supermodel wannabes, I often see a little boy playing with his two shavenheaded mommies, and they come across as a very happy family. Too many pundits in my country say that such a family arrangement is a civilisation-threatening abomination, and would make legislation to break that family apart, for no reason that I can fathom.

You read my reply, but you can't accept God's way, because you want to do otherwise - your own wishes.
According to the God and the Bible, God's punishment for sin and His commands are evident to people, but some chose to deny it and so they get their hearts darkened:

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:18-21)

Most sins are not immediatly destructive, but if we can't see exactly how much harm it does to people involved and related with them, it doesn't mean it is safe. It's just a case of spiritual blindness and arrogance of men, which is cured by letting Jesus in our hearts.

If i understood correctly, you were talking about a couple of homosexual women.
While being a very young child, one may not really understand it or care much.
But if this child lacks a male role model, how can he develop a normal man, without being guided into it by a real father?
You might read the following articles regarding it:

Biblical morality is horrendously flawed. The first 40% of the Ten Commandments crush the basic freedoms that my country was founded on, and other parts of the Bible show God gleefully approving of genocide. It is clear to me that the Bible's author was not an all knowing superbeing, but a committee of primitive men whose childish, petulant God was a mirror of their own shortcomings.

Again, since you want to stay on your sinking ship of pride and self-righteous blind faith into atheist law superiority, I leave you with it.
I shake your "logic" and words as dust off my feet as a warning to you, know that God's kingdom is near.


Sons of single heterosexual mothers grow up fine without a father. Straight children sometimes have gay parents. I was raised by Mommy and Daddy, yet there was a time when I was sexually confused and wanted to be a woman, eagerly envisioning my reassingment surgery. Today I live happily as a heterosexual male virgin, surrounded by family units where the mothers go around in thong-bikinis on their family outings, and I am a popular clown among these women, their husbands, and their children. Not wanting to be a homewrecker, I never seek to have affairs with them, instead masturbating to their memory each night.

There are many claims that Jesus-based miracles have been performed in both present and past. However, there are an equal number of miracles (for each group) attributed to Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, Moroni, Dianetics, Apollo, Thor, and other figures. All these phenomena (including the Jesus ones) usually turn out to be tall tales, conjuring tricks, or misinterpretations of ordinary scientific phenomena. Since none of these miracles (including those of Jesus, which are most likely tall tales created 100 years after his death) has passed the test of proof, they all cancel each other out.

The incorrect notion that "God's existence is inexcusably obvious" suffers because noone can agree what God's qualities and personality traits are. And this statement is contradicted by Christians' own mutually exclusive claims that "For God to clearly reveal himself would violate our free will because humans would then have no choice but to love and follow him," or "God does not clearly reveal himself because he knows that doing so would do no good; those who disbelieve and rebel would continue to disbelieve and rebel" or "God does not clearly reveal himself because he desires worship rather than mere acknowledgment of his existence."

Christians have also overlooked another possibility that God is not Christian. I wonder if the following could be a legitimate theistic alternative to Christianity.

In any case, I feel that this thread is a bit off topic for a board about the Peaceful Warrior. You might do better posting on the "Religion, Faith, and Spirituality" board on IMDB.

In reference to the original topic here, the Peaceful Warrior is pretty pretentious crap. I found it to be maudlin and uninspiring. Apparently it was based on a self-help book, and probably should have stayed in that medium, because it doesn't make a good film.


Advice for cousinoleg in dealing with nonbelievers: armchair psychology and leaping to assumptions about other people's thoughts and life stories, will not help your credibility as a mouthpiece for God. By contrast it may make simply you look foolish, especially on the RFS board where EVERYONE is ruthless. You might want to heed the advice of the following treatise on how Christians should approach atheists, especially the specific excerpt:
Don't tell atheists what they think; let them tell you what they think.
The single greatest and most common mistake theists make in dialoguing with atheists, in my experience, is to attempt to present the atheist viewpoint themselves and then argue against it. The problem with this is that relatively few theists can accurately depict the atheist viewpoint, and when they try, they often end up presenting nothing but the same old false stereotypes - atheists are nihilists, atheists have no purpose in life, atheists just want to be free of moral restraint, atheists are angry or arrogant, and so on - which are common in apologetic literature, but which do not represent the true beliefs of the vast majority of atheists. The result is that the theist goes to some effort only to set up and then knock down a straw man, while the atheist's actual position remains untouched. This brings the atheist no closer to converting. If anything, it is far more likely to produce annoyance at the one who would presume to speak for atheists without understanding their views, and make a conversion even less likely.
To evangelistic theists, my best advice is this: Don't rely on books written by other theists to tell you what atheists think. Don't even rely on books written by theists who claim they are ex-atheists. Most such books, based on the ones I have read, cannot be trusted to accurately convey the atheist viewpoint. If you want to learn about a position, there is no substitute for asking people who actually hold that position. If you want to have a productive dialog with an atheist, be sure to assume as little as possible, and whenever it is practical ask them what they think, rather than presuming.


I don't get your criticism of this movie, it seems to be veiled with a particular culturally biased indoctrination. Much of the essence of the teachings of Jesus can be felt throughout this movie, eg The kingdom of heaven(where God lives BTW) is within us... etc

Over & above what we believe MAY be true, ie God exists, the Bible is the ONLY authority of truth or whether Jesus is humanities ONLY savior or if he ever lived..etc; people, as portrayed in this movie, learning, advocating & manifesting love, compassion, peace, non-violence, kindness..etc, ALL qualities of the historical Jesus is misleading people, how is that?

I respect your beliefs, however, the only time we should call others out on belief, is when beliefs are the impetus to cause UNNECESSARY SUFFER to conscious creatures both Human & Non-Human.


clap clap clap
you nailed it
brilliantly written



USSR? Dont confuse religion with politics. Also, every country on the planet has a main religion; USSR was no exception. Unbelief/atheism is only spreading widely in recent years.

From your arguments it appears you live in the US. A rapacious market driven empire that is nothing like the teachings of Christ. You oppress the rest of the world with military might and are forcing believers abroad to embrace your culture of consumerism, materialism and greed.

Its not even your continent to begin with, the Indians that were murdered and raped when you first got there already lived a serene life in harmony with nature.

You are fooled so utterly. I really hope you will one day find truth and enlightenment.

And yes, movie was totally cheesy. Main character was nothing but a sorry crybaby.


New-age stuff? U know this film delivers wisdom from the ancient greeks and the mighty buddha. Thats philisophy from at least 2000 years ago? You call that new-age stuff. Sounds pretty ignorant to me.


New-age stuff? U know this film delivers wisdom from the ancient greeks and the mighty buddha. Thats philisophy from at least 2000 years ago? You call that new-age stuff. Sounds pretty ignorant to me.


Weird how bettering relations with people and decreasing pride were two lessons in the movie...


I agree that there wasn't anything particularly new in this movie. I'm also a bit suspicious about the "enlightened warrior" theme. For example, reading about Morihei Ueshiba makes me think that he was essentially a damn good fighter who wanted to be a bit holier-than-thou. Practicing combat for decades and then kicking some guys ass and saying: "You lose because you are not in harmony with the Universe, like I am", is just a hypocritical rhetoric. However, regardless of the founders of an ideology, I believe a baby can be free from the burden of its fathers, although perhaps never safe. Often followers have a much more genuine thought than their teachers, but the teachers eventually die and so pure faith could remain. So, if you have a pure heart, no one can take it away from you, unless you throw it away (which easily happens with hypocrisy).

Even if this sort of movies do not say anything particularly new, just reminding is often enough. If the story is retold well, it can give some inspiration to keep the small wisdoms in mind and perhaps give an opportunity to find some new insight about them.

What I like about Zen is its immersion with reality, whatever the reality is experienced to be. For me, it is the nature and all the things and phenomena in nature. In that respect, I prefer the "western zen", which is free from the Buddhist superstitions. It is largely the sort of "perennial philosophy" found in this movie, with universal wisdoms that are discovered time after time in different schools of thought, from Zen to Stoicism, and even Christianity.

Man is disturbed not by things, but by the views he takes of them. - Epictetus


That is what I mean with martial arts. I dislike it how they are promoted as the ultimate solution to everything.


As Magi says; athletes and martial artists claim their activities give them discipline, yet athletic jocks are some of the most indisciplined people I have ever seen.

Back in the past, we were told that brains overcomes braun, but now the media taking advantage of the fitness and health craze; they want to place muscle over brain, byt saying that you are not trully a man if you don't have muscle, and pushing beautiful women as athletic ones who get to keep their beauty deep into their 50's and 60's, but not everyone has the time nor the genetic lottery to be fit forever. But we can try to be healthy.

Guess there really are people who act worse than 12 year olds.


Every time anything gives a person a different viewpoint than their own, whether slightly or majorly divergent, it is automatically labelled pretentious or preachy. Is that seriously the depth of the faith you have in your own ideals? Grow a spine...


The main philosophical fault about these inspirational films is they sell the message that the success achieved is the result of the events portrayed. This is false, there are thousands of people going through all the same processes who do NOT achieve those degrees of success. People inspired by inspirational films have drunk too much koolaid about meritocracy, people who work hard/correctly win, and those who don't work hard/correctly don't. That is BS. Success is about chance and timing. And all the praying to invisible forces and looking inward will change mcuh to that. Horrible message, horrible acting, horrible script, really there is absolutely nothing redeemable about this, but faithers will like it, anyone who drinks koolaid...

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Whatever I think about this film, your argument fails for this movie since it doesn't promise success in anything. It's not about winning, it's about knowing yourself which means knowing you can do something. You've just competed in a championship, somebody was better (as you point out, chance and timing), does that mean you couldn't have done what you just did? So that there is nothing worthwile in doing anything so sit on your couch and watching TV with a beer since it's all chance and timing and success is the measure of you so why exert yourself?

I find this story inspirational because it makes me wonder if I really can get so strong that you could take away my arms and legs and I would still be "a warrior", kind of like Stephen Hawking and Christopher Reeve.

But that's just me. ...or the clinical depression talking.


Making promises is the very definition of an "inspirational" ... take this "path" and you shall conquer ! So we agree fully.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


By that logic, all other stories say: you may conquer, you may not. Which is exactly what "Socrates" tells the kid in this movie. Which makes you mistaken.

But that's just me. ...or the clinical depression talking.


you forgot the "Take this "path"" part

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


No, I did not.

But that's just me.


You will discover the real power of spiritual life only if you take action, I mean walking the walk not talking the talk.

I pay my movies subscriptions with the money I make online


The movie itself was entertaining enough but it did lack depth. I was expecting a Born on the Fourth of July type of transformation for the main character. Whereas Tom Cruise ultimately became disillusioned with the false values of patriotism, the lead in this film overcame obstacles in order to re-pursue his quest for gymnastic perfection.
When he climbed the mountain only to find a rock I wanted to tell him, "Yes. There is your gold medal. It has as much value as this rock."
The beauty of 'enlightenment' is that it has no commercial value. You can't use it to make more money or win more medals - but that's the message that many will take away from this film.


Pretentious? Big word, coming from a piece of *beep* like you.



So's your mom
