Dissapointed with the DVD

How do they justify a price of $39.00. There are no special features. They could of talked to the director and writer. How about taking to the teacher and judges? I would of loved to know how Ann Reinking got involved. They could of put an update on the schools and children.

Very dissapointed.


I agree, staceyrule. The lack of features on the DVD is a disappointment. I would have loved to also see some deleted scenes, especially of some the indigo team's other dances. I saw a picture on the American Ballroom Theater website of Jeffrey and Scarlyn doing the swing at the finals so it looks like the alternate teams danced more than just the merengue. I think it would have been nice if one of the DVD features had been the dances in full that were deleted or edited for the movie. Also nice would have been an interview with Pierre Dulaine himself, since the movie was about the program he started.


They Dont Have any interviews with Pierre? How can this be? My world has come to a jolting hault.

40 bucks is a lot for a movie. That's just not right. It would have been nice to of had special features.

"My father was French and my Mother was Spanish. I understand 6 languages, I speak 5." - Antonio Banderas playing Peirre Dulaine


I just rented "Take the Lead" and it has an interview with Pierre on it. Also a very good movie.


where did you pay 39 dollars for it????I paid 19.99 and that was full price (and i used a coupon to make it a bit lower than that).
Nobody notices the sober Indians. On tv the drunk Indians emote In books drunk Indians philosophize



I bought the dvd for 16 dollars and I like it alot. Of course, it's not really a movie I'd watch all the time, but it was worth it.

"My father was French and my Mother was Spanish. I understand 6 languages, I speak 5." - Antonio Banderas portraying Pierre Dulaine in Take The Lead


I didn't buy the DVD, when i saw how much it cost, i just didn't think it was worth it. I saw it at HMV in Toronto, for that price.
