Favorite Quote

First off this film had me laughing, crying, you name it. I loved when the kid at the Foose ball table states "The Bible says you can get married, it doesnt say who can get married." Kids say the darndest and sometimes most intelligent things!


That was one of my favorite quote. Emma allways had cute little facts, like about how "girls are the more advanced civilization" and how "Science has shown that 11 year old girls are the number one victom of kidnappers". Of course, my favorite quote was when Cyrus went up to the judge and he explains how they ALLMOST made it and he said "I still just don't exactly know what went wrong". :(


"Science has shown that 11 year old girls are the number one victom of kidnappers"

-> yeah and then this other girl goin' like "what's a napper!?" !! That line was grrreat!! You wouldn't believe it to be natural in a fictional movie!!

Great movie, by the way, only coming out March 15th in France. I'm glad I went to this premiere.


I liked at the beginning when the teacher was talking about the Fox Trot and asked the students what foxes are like, and a little boy said "The fox go fast and jump on the chicken." His accent was so cute. I also thought it was cute when Michael in his New York accent said that ballroom dancing makes him feel "enahgized." I thought he was adoreable and so genuine.


"what if your skirt falls when your dancing? What are you gonna do?"
"I'm going to pick it up!"
"No, I'm going to throw it, and keep dancing like that!"


that´s my favorite, too!

and i like when michael tells from the off, that one only "concentrate on the partner" (i don´t remember the whole quote), while he and his cute partner have difficulties to coordinate their steps (at the quarter final).



