MovieChat Forums > Mad Hot Ballroom (2005) Discussion > Teaching Ballroom in Public School

Teaching Ballroom in Public School

I was inspired to convert from a science teacher to a dance teacher in public school. I have never seen such a program in a public school before. Does anyone know of other school districts that might offer such an opportunity?

Thank you,

Dancing Science Teacher


I never knew ballroom dancing was offered in public schools prior to this film, but I think it's a fantastick idea that I would love to see catch on. It was so great to see these inner city kids completely devoted to something so positive rather than just hanging out on the streets or selling drugs or whatever.


I am an art teacher for a charter school in Orange County. Recently I was asked to teach the high school students basic Salsa, Swing, Tango, etc. dance to the PE class. The response was favorably amazing! I have introduced the Mad Hot Ballroom documentary to the students as well. Now I would like to possibly teach a continuing ballroom dance class next year. Does anyone know where I could get more training for myself to teach similarly like the students in the movie? I could go to NYC for training if there is a week long workshop.


At my school right now we are doing ballroom dancing and it's so much fun except I don't get to dance because i'm in band when my class has music which is wednesday so on thursday when we go to pe i have to sit out when they dance like today I had to sit out durning the merengue i'm in sixth grade


I wish they had taught ballroom dancing when I was in school.


When I was in high school they brought some people in to teach it. I was in Student Council and we were MADE to do it. We were told to find partners or they would get the special ed classes to be our partners. Seriously. So we found partners and learned a bit- it was cool but at that age if you didnt feel comfortable with yourself or members of the other sex, you weren't going to want to participate. There were some couples that were awesome and you could tell they were practicing outside of school. We had dance instruction and competitions during our lunch period- both of them since there were two lunch periods in our high school. Looking back now as a parent of a special needs child- I'm a bit put off about teachers using special ed kids as threats.
But in all, I would love it if my elementary kids got to do it.


I think that dancing classes are a very good addition to school. It really helps. I, personally, am so uncoordianted it's surprising I can even walk without busting my knee, but my sister loves dancing. For her, it's a very good creative outlet and helps her relieve stress.

I agree with you, Mina. Special Ed kids as threats is just terrible.

Official Member of the APEA (adam pascal eyelashaholics anonymous)
