MovieChat Forums > Mad Hot Ballroom (2005) Discussion > The Muslim boys who weren't allowed to d...

The Muslim boys who weren't allowed to dance

This seemed very strict. Almost Taliban-esque.

I know that many Muslims around the world dance. Are there many Muslims in the US who are so strict that they don't dance?

Or was it only a problem in this case because they were couple dancing with girls?

How you gonna keep them down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?


Probably because the dancing involved close contact with girls, I imagine...

"Knowing how the world works
Is not knowing how to work the world"


I felt bad that they weren't given a different project instead of sitting there watching everyone else dance. They should've taken extra band lessons or was such a waste of time for those two kids.


I rhought Mohammed was Muslim and the white kid was Baptist---just my assumption here....

Nobody notices the sober Indians. On tv the drunk Indians emote In books drunk Indians philosophize


I don't think the other kid was white. Wasn't his name Tariq? I assumed he was also from a Muslim country.

How you gonna keep them down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?


the Mouhammed kid was muslim and the other kid was probably jewish

-|[The ShizShaz]|-


Jews can't dance?!?!?!
What about the fiddler on the roof?
yidle deedle yidle deedle dum.

How you gonna keep them down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?


Just so you know, Jewish people dance, and dance a lot. Obviously you've never been to a Jewish wedding or Bar Mitzvah :-P



his name is "Taha".
i don´t know where that beautiful name comes from, but i also thought that he´s a white kid. and i also thought that he´s a baptist, a mormone, a "seventh- day- adventist" or something else christian fundamentalistic.





not all muslims have dark skin. Countries like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq are culturally diverse in ethnicity and skin color. People who have blonde hair and blue eyes can still be found in those countries. My mother is a teacher and many of her students come from countries in the middle east. There is a girl i know named Pouneh who has black hair, blue eyes, and very pale skin and her family is from Iran. Don't think just because the kid was white that he wasn't muslim. That's wha the film made it out to be, that both kids sitting out were.


yes - i know that not all muslims are coloured, as well as not all christians are whites.

i like the thought that both boys belong to different religions . and it´s a fact that there are much christians which are not allowed to dance or do some other nice things.



some days later: they ARE from different religions!
i watched it again and taha says "my religion..." and "also his religion" (or "his religion, too?").

and in the beginning of swing- training, without partners, both boys do with the others.





Baptist?! Haha, since when can Baptists not dance?


Just a few examples:
How well do you know the Baptists (I would assume not well but that's just assuming on my part)

Nobody notices the sober Indians. On tv the drunk Indians emote In books drunk Indians philosophize


an aunt + uncle were baptists and they were very straitlaced; i always pitied my cousins - they were not allowed ANYthing, everything, and dancing one of the most, was sin.

later (few years ago) i was in contact with an old "reborn" christian (former baptist, then he changed to a free church), visited him 2 times/week because he was lonely. i made the mistake to tell him that i´ll join a dancelesson for some hours (free dance, and i was over 50!) and he became (? got?) out of himself, prayed for me + my soul, phoned me again + again + again trying to keep me away from that sinful thing.

i think that there are catholics too, which demonize dancing.
in both religions, christian and islam (and judaism, too), are harsh people without pleasure, full with thoughts about sex + obedience + sin, trying to take away the pleasure from others and putting their arguments from bible + koran. it´s hard to explain in a strange language, i hope you can see what i try to say.

friendly wave




They couldn't dance ballroom because they can't dance with girls

"Listen to your heartbeat and dance"
-dove dark chocolate wrapper


Both Taha and Muhammad were Muslim. Taha said "We can't dance because of our religion."

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taha is a muslim name. they are both muslims



WHAT???? No dancing???? Haven't any of those people seen Footloose????
You gotta dance!!!

"The real crime, I think, was the beard."


It is because dancing is traditionally symbolic of sexual acts, so that's a no no.


I thought that because they saw how the other kids were having so much fun dancing, and how none of them were struck by a bolt of lightning from god, that when they grew up a little more, they would reject this ridiculous restriction that their religion put on them, and be more liberal in what they chose to do or not do.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
