Ghost in the Shell anyone?

The idea of the two movies seems awefully similar, the setting at least. I'm a big fan of the directors shorts and I've no doubt this will be a great movie/short, but I just noticed this.


I noticed that, too. Just chalk it up to the 'everything old is new again' philosophy that Hollywood's crumpling under these days.


heh heh...nobody is new anymore. Such a pity. I've given up on that. I can only wish for a more pleasant film experience than lately


Well, for one thing, I would think any good screen writer would base their ideas off the source of a material; this meaning that the writer would get his ideas from the Ghost in the Shell manga which is what the movie is based off of. Don't neglect to mention the mangaka; they don't get credit sometimes when people aren't aware of their influential mangas.


If you want to see a decent live action movie that is like Ghost in the Shell watch AVALON, they were directed by the same guy. The movie is a bit slow but I liked it. The really funny part about Avalon and most likely this movie is that when it comes out, everyone talks, or will talk, about how it is ripping off the matrix, cant wait for those reviews


From the looks of the stills which you can find on the web, it looks to me more like The Gene Generation is based upon the de-evolution of the world as opposed to the evolution of the world. No talks of any cyborgs in the picture, apparently, the only thing connected to the movie with Ghost in the Shell is the idea of hacking into a living organism, in TGG's case, a normal human being.
