Who is Eugene?

This movie pays respects to many well-known movie psychopaths, but what serial killer is Eugene supposed to be?


I kind of got the feeling Eugene was supposed to be Leather Face. I thought I heard subtle chainsawing in the background when Leslie first mentioned him, and then the barbecue and sausages kind of affirmed it a little more. I'd like to know other people's ideas too though.




i don't think he is leatherface, but to all you people who say he can't be because hes not "an over grown, mentally retarded, texan" clearly did not get this movie...all thats an act that their shtick lesile vernon's supposed to be some mutated freak to but hes really not...


I agree with what you're saying. Nightgiant might be onto something because if you look closely Eugene is wearing a ballcap that has the name of a meat company in Lockhart, TX which is close to the Austin area where TCM is supposed to take place.


Coral "Eugene" Watts – convicted of two murders; admitted to killing 80 people in Texas and Michigan; possibly guilty of 100 murders.

That's my guess. But there tons of other choices that could be him that fit the timeline he said in the movie. The Alphabet Killer is another choice.

"Talking is overrated as a means of resolving disputes."


After further research, I think he may actually be the Zodiac killer. operated in northern California during the 1960s and early 1970s; five known victims; claimed to have killed as many as 37 people. The guy was never caught and the timeline fits. I'm going with that.

"Talking is overrated as a means of resolving disputes."





bundy never did that,it was danny rollings,the gainesville ripper,who was also the inspiration for the original scream film.

spectre can

suck it.


I agree with Crazyfatcat. Everything Eugene talked about had me thinking that he was the Zodiac.

I have a message for Germany...


When he said, "...that you either ended up in jail or dead.". I think he was referring to the fact that before Michael and Jason, there were never any serial killer movie sequels.


I felt as though he may have been Michael Myers. Jamie, his wife, is obviously a homage to Jamie Lee Curtis as they elude to the fact that was Eugene's survivor girl. Now if you watch the deleted scenes, Eugene starts taking about all the ways that he was injured or "killed" by Jamie over the years. Now in this reality those movie killers are real people so I don't think he's based on a real serial killer. So in summation I would have to say he is probably Michael Myers. Now you may say that they talk about Myers as if he isn't him, but isn't the whole idea of creating a fake back story and "dying" at the end just a way to go back to a normal life. Besides Leather Face never had an "Ahab", while Myers had Dr. Loomis. I could be right or just be completely off, but I think I may be right.


Laurie Strode was Michael Myers sister. AND Laurie, or Jamie Lee Curtis as you call her, died in Resurrection, which came out 5 years before this movie. So, it's not "obviously" and homage to her. I don't think he is in face an actual movie serial killer, just one made up for the movie. If he is supposed to be one, I'd like to think Leather Face, just because that guy is cool.


He isn't Michael Myers, eugene says in the film he did his killing in the late 60's.
I checked the actor Scott Wilsons (eugene) work from that time and he doesnt appear to have played any serial killers in any films so I'm guessing its just something the writers made up.


He's not any well known serial killer. He keeps talking about how Mike and Freddy changed the game. He was just someone doing it before them but didn't terrorize a single location. It seemed like he moved around for different jobs since he was talking about how it was about how many jobs you can fit in in a year.


I think Eugene is a wink - the actor who plays Eugene - Scott Wilson - played one of the notorious killers in Truman Capote's film adaptation of the book: "In Cold Blood." In the novel Scott Wilson kills the Clutter family... so I think it's a bit of a nod to the actor's past - for those who are in the know.

In Cold Blood is a great movie - by the way - if anyone is interested.


An interview with the screenwriter of the film says that Eugene was supposed to be Billy from Black Christmas in early versions of the script, but was made into more of an amalgamation of all of the iconic horror icons. It is alluded too when Eugene discusses working before the 80s slasher era. Read the full interview here: http://www.iconsoffright.com/IV_DavidJStieve.htm


Not quite sure, but if anything I'd probably have to go with either the zodiac killer or leatherface!


Thanks payne86. Great interview! I think he really said it best there and it answers the question.


You guys who said Leatherface do realise, that he can't be Leatherface. Leatherface can't even talk and can't even act like a normal human.


What you're forgetting, chrismax2, is that these killers aren't really who they claim to be. Many here say that in this reality Freddy, Jason, Myers and Chucky all existed, but fail to think that they really don't exist as the killers that have made the headlines, instead they are just everyday sociopaths that put on a mask and pretend that they are someone who they aren't, or rather act like society wants murderers to act; in a superficial way so we don't have to worry about real life Ted Bundys, etc. Yeah, I know, I'm putting too much thought into it. Don't get me wrong, though, I love the slashers of the '80s and before, and after. I also like psychological thrillers with more brains.

Jason, Michael, they didn't talk either, and Chucky? He was a possessed doll. I wonder how the guy behind that one managed to make it look as if a doll was killing people?

That's just the thing that puts me off on this movie, althought creative, it's basically what Rob Zombie made from the Halloween redos; he made his killer out to be a real kid that had real problems and stuck him in this "Behind the Mask" alt-reality but didn't do that vision any justice, just made half a moderatly good film then tacted a remake to the end. Too bad the two writer/directors didn't get together to make that film. Michael thinking from early childhood that he wants to be a killer that he sees in a movie or whatever.

Just thought of something subsequent to posting this: everyone who thinks Eugene couldn't have been a true life serial killer may want to think on what he said about Jason, Michael and Freddy: that they changed it up a bit; they did something different, basically making a sort of faked reality franchise. Who's to say that before the big names in slasher movie history that the Zodiac, Ted Bundy, etc, weren't part of this whole "Behind the Mask" universe? I mean, if Myers and Voorhees changed things, and if Eugene is from the times before that, when they either died or got locked up... But then when we 1st meet him it's as if he's still practicing his trade so as to not get rusty. That would be saying that he's indeed some supernatural killer in his own right, right? That's why I can't get into this movie like many have; I think the writer/director left too many plot holes that no one seems to even noticed, at least none that I've read of.


Sorry, Movieman-232, I can't accept that, only because I love horror films and I like the fact that Freddy is a dream demon/killer, and Jason is undead (well from number 6 at least) and that they are NOT just normal killers. If that was the truth I would not love horror at all and it would be just a Thriller and nothing special. Hey even at the end of this one Leslie looks like he is now undead as well, which was really cool.

I think you also explained why I hate Rob Zombies Halloween, so thanks for that. I also agree there is far too many pot holes, but I still rather liked it, as long as all the horror icons are what we think of them as.


I'm pretty sure he's Leatherface. He killed in the 70's, when Texas Chainsaw Massacre took place. Also, when he first comes out of the deprivation chamber he's wearing a black suit with a white shirt and thin black tie...just like Leatherface at the end of TCM. Lastly, when they're BBQing sausages Eugene is wearing a hat that says "Kreuz Market Lockhart, Texas". It's a well known meat market down in Texas.


While I lean towards Leatherface too as that's the only one he doesn't actually mention by name when talking about the serial killers that changed things, I think Ivan Milat, aka the Australian backpacker murderer, might also be a good possibility.

Was just looking up the "true events" Wolf Creek's (never saw it, though I've heard it's really good) supposed to be based on and his MO makes sense given what Eugene says about his killing days.

Abyssus est iustus a vox. Animadverto est ultum, ultum peior


Hey, I'm not saying that you have to accept that for those individual movies. All I'm saying is that in this satrical parody, i.e., Behind the Mask, that's what I think the director has ended up saying (even if that's not what he does say). Everytime someone explains this movie they usually start by saying that this movie takes place in the same relm as JASON, MICHAEL MYERS and FREDDY, but what I think they are forgetting is that if that's so, if those killers are indeed out there is this movie, and Leslie is trying to copy their style, what they did to accomplish their notoriety, then that's exactly what this movie is saying of those other killers, if only in this movie; that they're all just posers (I'm not sure if that's the right word) like Leslie himself. You've watched the movie, where he's setting everything up, making sure everything happens to his benifit, putting grease paint on, making his eyes seem dark. Do you really think that Jason is in the woods applying makeup trying to look like a zombie mongaloid? And that he's making a machette so that it just looks like it's going into the side of his head slicing the brain, or, like in the 1st movie, that he had some "cyborg" that looked and acted just like his mom who met her, er, "its" end getting her/its head chopped off? I'm saying no, he's really a mongaloid zombie. And yes, his mom did indeed get her head lopped off.

And because of that, I watch Friday the 13th part 6 on up, Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween, etc., knowing that what you're seeing on the screen is indeed happening in the context of the movie, but you cannot tell me that Behind the Mask isn't saying that if these guys (Freddy, Jason, Michael) are indeed somewhere lurking around in the surrounding areas, that they aren't just like Leslie, a normal looking man with a terrible pathology, shamming his way into immortality. I mean, c'mon! You've gotta be able to glean that out of this movie.

As for the end of the movie, I do believe that someone on these boards in another thread (maybe even this thread...?) said that he could have escaped the fire and went back in makeup... yada yada yada. In the end, my friend, it's only a movie. And it's a lame one in my mind when it comes to trying to get its story thought out.


*English is not my primary langage.

At first, I thought he was the Zodiac, then Ed Gein, the father of all serial killer movies (despite we all know he died in an asylum, but just the phonetic 'Eugene', 'Ed Gein').

Now, I don't have a clue. Just read that it was the guy from black christman. Still haven't seen this movie, I know I should.


callum & chrismax really have missed the point of this movie.



You really are an idiot, aren't you...?


I see what your saying, but from what they said they let you assume that freddy,jason,and Chucky are even considered supernatural even in their universe.How could Chucky fake being a doll?or how could Freddy fake being in your dreams?In the movie Eugene says they changed the game by keep coming back.You can't fake dying and coming back.I get your theory but, I think their universe is a movie and ppl who kill rather serial killers or movie serial killers are all on the same playing field except the ones who really have supernatural powers.what you said is a very interesting theory and I see what your saying.What I think is maybe all the horror ppl were regular ppl until something supernatural happened thus Leslie is made supernatural by surviving the fire and the vice grip forming his mythology as a supernatural being like Jason,Freddy,etc
