
I don't care what you say, this movie was actually pretty good. The guy that did Williams was nothing less than great. I mean some other aspects could use some work, but all in all a decent movie.


Yeah, it wasn't bad. Better than I thought it was going to be. I loved the ending.


I thought the movie was as good as these Behind The Scene films NBC has done.
I knew the real story going in so I wasn't suprised with anything I saw. I knew Williams cleaned himself up after Belushi's death and I still think Robin really dooesn't speak openly about that night but people close to him have spoken.

I have the first season of Mork And Mindy on DVD and it is the only season you should have. The show was ok after season one but not as good as the first season.

T.V. has never produced a bigger star since Robin Williams IMO. Now a days you've heard of them before they get on t.v..

The movie wasn't Oscar callibur and I don't think it was trying to. The movie gave as much as it could.

BYW, read Garry Marshall's biography if you want to know more behind the scenes stuff on his shows. It's honest and you can tell Garry is one of the good guys in Hollywood.
