MovieChat Forums > Gankutsu-ô (2004) Discussion > Question about the ending

Question about the ending

Exactly what was it about Albert hugging and (I guess) kissing the Counts cheek that defeated Gankutsuou? Was it Albert's affection? and if so, how come Haydee's affection for the Count didn't produce the same effect?


heh yeh lol. the ending was one big overblown stinking pile of *beep* i really liked the beginining of the series but gonzo took waay too many liberties with changing the original characters. instead of the awesome characters of dumas, the writers actually ended up the usual anime cliches. very disappointing.

What is now proved was once only imagin'd.


I have to agree with this somewhat. Overall, I was fine with the changes to the younger characters, and the introduction of the somewhat cliched anime romance.

However, at the same time, I felt that they really killed the Count as a character, and in doing so really missed the point of the whole story. He's quite one-dimensional in the series, something that's not true of the novel.

Oh well, nearly 20 episodes were great, past that the dramatic resolution of the Count's character kind of fell flat, and the series somewhat died as a result.


My interpretation is that Albert was a significant person for the Count, maybe the most valuable thing in his life. Dont forget that the Count's only purpose was to destroy the ones who ruined his life, and this could only happen by gaining absolute power and co-existing with Gankutsuou. Albert was the son of the woman Edmond loved and the man that framed him. The sentimental connections are really strong, and the boy's love for Edmond was the only thing that could destroy the demon, as it was the last thing that he could expect.
Well, at least that's how i see it ^^


While Haydee loved the Count, he admitted that she was 'just a doll' earlier in the series. And even though her significance may have increased since that time, Albert was still the most importnat person in his life. He was the only one who could get the Count to feel anything- Remember, the Count cried when he had to send Albert back to Paris? I think that was the reason he became suddenly so cold and unfeeling towards Albert- The Count knew he was the only one who could keep him from completing his revenge, by making him feel love again.


Here is my understanding.

The Count wanted Albert to give up his childish, loving ways and becoming a horrible wretch before dying. He wanted to break Albert down as a person.

Albert, more than anyone, was the victim of the Count. Though he had done nothing besides being a loving, if naive, boy; the Count had killed his friend and wrecked his home, set him up, used him, tried to take his fiancee from him, scattered his friends, and eroded his faith in humanity. He would regularly expose the dark truth of Parisian society to Albert, or give him advice that would be aimed to make Albert a lesser person.

In the end, after all of this, Albert still chose to forgive him. The Count had been taking the stance that revenge was worth whatever cost it took and was the highest form of justification.

This was why Gankutsuou failed and Edmond separated.

Si Vales, Valeo.


I loved the enitre series i havent read the book but haveing just read a medium sized summary of the book was enough to get me emotional a few differences in the series from the actuak book were ok but i think the the WORST THIN GONZO COULD HAVE DONE IS DESTROY THE THE BEUTIFUL ENDING OF THE BOOK, WHERE HAYDEE OFFERS THE COUNT A NEW LIFE A LOVER AND LIFE!!! A BEAAAUTIFUL ENDING FFS THATS THE ONLY THING THAT PISSED ME OFF WITH THIS SERIES :( whyyy gonzo whyyyyyyyy :P


yeah the last episode was utteryly pointless. and i loved the music in this show but the beginnig and end themes were awful, the guy couldnt even sing and having him sing the last ever song you heard in it was a big mistake, it was amazing up until the last couple of eps, what an anti-climax!


Why does everyone think that guy can't sing?! The way he sings is an actual style of singing, you know? It's not being tone deaf, but singing that way on purpose in order to create a genuine feeling. It's as if the singer himself is heartbroken and so as he sings his voice falters with the sadness he feels.

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.


That was really gross. He loved her like a daughter, referred as such in the entire BOOK. The whole book was filled with squick: Albert's fixation on his mother too. GROSS.


You're missing the point, Haydee's affection couldn't reach him, because he never did anything to her. ALBERT'S FORGIVENESS was that reached him. The boy was a reflection of he used to be: he had a life, a good fortune, the woman he loved in a bag, a best friend, the Count's manipulation ruined it. Instead of seeking revenge, instead of

That awoke his feelings as Edmond Dantes. Not Mercedes' plight nor Haydee's, but the forgiveness of an innocent he wronged so badly.


I agree, I'm glad it didn't end with him getting together with Haydee, that would have been gross. I loved what Gonzo did with the story and I believe it fits with what the Count was doing. He wanted to use Albert to hurt his parents, and he was jealous of him because he's known nothing of suffering. So he makes him suffer, takes everything away from him, but he doesn't handle it the same way he does. He was going to with the duel. But Franz stepped in.



What I didn't understand was why the Count's servant randomly jumped in front of his bullet meant for Albert - that seemed like a cop-out on the writers' part - and then the Count, despite presumably having plenty more bullets, just turns around and walks away. Also, Mondego does a pretty serious character 180 after the Count dies.


I thought many things like the whole identity and origin of the demon should have been explained more explicity within the show. It's just fuzzy.
