I don't know which was worse

The sleazy story or the terrible acting. It's been a week since I saw this film and I still want to scrub some of the scenes out of my brain - especially that bizarre sex scene in the desert next to the funeral pyre.


if you are still thinking of a film a week after you've seen it, then the film obviously left an impact, therefore, there is likely something to the film that qualifies it as a success. I thought the same about Eyes Wide Shut...I realized if I am thinking about it so much, I must deep down inside have liked it even having despised every second of it when seeing it for the first time.


There are quite a bit of porn film ideas that I have stored up in my brain, many, many years after I've seen them on celluloid. Do they make those films a "success?" Yes, if I want to get it up. (And I include "Eyes Wide Shut" in that category). Extremely violent images are also hard to get rid of. "Un Chien d'Andalou," "Dial 'M' for Murder," come to mind.

Memorability is not a particular quality I would associate with successful/good films. Shock value may be good for commercial purposes (it will draw people in), but not for worthwhile film art.


Directing, acting, editing, lighting, sound, cinematography . . .

Only slightly redeemed by the steadying performances of the older generation.

Otherwise, I was bored and embarrassed by this waste of screen time.


'especially that bizarre sex scene in the desert next to the funeral pyre'

Actually, that was the only memorable, and redeeming shot (all 5 seconds of it?) of the whole film. Otherwise, completely forgettable. I can appreciate Breillat's philosophy and style, her unique view toward scripting, directing, filmmaking. But in my view it's been going downhill ever since Romance and Fat Girl.

