head bum?

Hey, I just saw the poster for this and was wondering whether it's meant to look like a bum on the ladys forehead - like is it some significance or just a coincidence?


Yeah I think so. J. Hoberman mentioned it in his review for Village Voice.


You've just got bum on your mind. That IS a strange shape for a coupla' locks of hair, though. Probably whoever was doin' the Photoshop work on the poster thought it would be cool to suggest something about this obsessive, INTERTWINED relationship so they put that there and now you and the critic for the Village Voice think it's a bum. See, if I did that kinda' thing in art school I'd have been criticized into a little ball in the corner 'cause it's so obvious, and whoever did that poster is doin', well, whatever they're doin', - probably hiding other anatomical shapes in movie posters. And then of course, you guys see bums.


i thought it was a heart.
