I didn't liked Zugor

He was mainly a selfish and egocentric character, on many parts on the film.


but... George Carlin!!!



This was a serious thread, which meant I wanted serious answers!


Well, provide more insight into your opinion. Give an example.


Sorry for not giving more insight on my opinion. Its been a while since I saw the movie last time, but I recall Zugor being uncharismatic, self-centered and egoistic towards Tarzan many times.


So, the whole plot revolving over having and old dog learn new tricks (in this case being the care for a new family and the rewards of living a friendlier life having friends instead of abusing others) completely passed you by?

Because, really, that's the whole point of the movie. That both Tarzan and Zugor find a different way to look at life that allows them to reconcile themselves with those surrouding them and learn it's ok to rely on others and sum your strengths to those of the rest.

For that to happen, Tarzan had to be a useless piece of bald monkey and Zugor had to be a grumpy old ape.
