SPOOKED has instilled in them a fear unlike any other.

"SPOOKED" The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium

How do you begin to explain what happened in Waverly Hills Sanatorium? How do you tell of the unmistakable feeling of lost hope, the singular cold spots that would freeze them to the bone? The feelings of animosity, the feelings of dread, and those of incomparable sadness?

The ominous voices within the EVP recorded during filming?

What about the mysterious illness that struck the Producer, leaving him weak in the knees, barely able to make it out of the infamous Death Tunnel? And the image he captured within the 525 foot tomb? How does the Director tell of his encounter with whom local ghost hunters lovingly call "Mary"? Where can the answers be found?

One thing is certain, the stories and images from the filmmakers and those who hold Waverly dear are enough to invoke fear, and even heartache, into the most stoic of hearts. When Joe Mattingly. a former orderly, tells of the tragic events that Waverly is known for, your heart breaks as if you witnessed the incident firsthand.

On the paranormal front, Waverly is alive and kicking. With an approximate 70,000 guests to the Halloween attraction and the Louisville Ghost Hunters Society's Ghost Hunt tours, Waverly is never lonely. Each year Waverly attracts people from all walks of life, from all over the United States. Skeptics visit and are skeptical no more. Many who enter claim they will never return, for the monster of a building has instilled in them a fear unlike any other.

As for the answers, you will have to see for yourself....

Spooked: The Ghosts of Waverly Hills Sanatorium.......Coming Soon.

by Jessica Lyn Morris


SPOOKED has instilled in me a RAGE unlike any other.

This DVD was sitting right next to DeathTunnel at the videostore.
What can I say that can't be said by simply slamming my fists into the keyboard while gnashing my teeth and screaming wordless obscenities? Not much.

It might be too late, but if you're considering renting out either of these movies - don't. Just trust me on this. I've already wasted perfectly good money on these films, why should you.



Is it now out for sale? Where can I buy a copy?



Gonna watch it tonight...hope i'm in for some scary stuff..

will report later..
