
Are you kidding me? This movie is trying to say Mandela was a terrorist and a murderer.

I was fine with this movie up until it tried to make a connection between the terrorist and Mandela.
Mandela was a hero of peace, not killing and blowing people up.

"we're gonna be on summer vaction for the next 20 years" - Lords of Dogtown


But Mandela was a terrorist. It's a simple fact. Check ANC history. Blowing up woman and children is no way to get your message across, IMO. The whole reason Mandela was jailed was because he refused to renounce violent opposition. Why do people find it so hard to imagine Mandela as a younger, different man?

As an ANC example:


Honestly, I dont know what the hell I am talking about.
You could be correct. Maybe Mandela was a terrorist - at least this movie portrays him as one.
Plus there was you to support that, it is certainly possible.

"we're gonna be on summer vaction for the next 20 years" - Lords of Dogtown


As a South African I can tell you that Mandela hasn't said or done a bad thing since being released from prison. He really seems like a great guy. But one cannot ignore the past, it stays with one for life! Although we can try and understand the strain he must have been under to use violence against the former government.


tip of the iceberg:

If I lived as a black person in apartheid S.A I definitely would have done worse than that. Apartheid lasted over half a century. Screw passive resistance.


Two wrongs don't make a right as they say.


Here's a quite factual, if biased, account on why Mandela was labelled a terrorist and communist, and how and why he was jailed.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter - I think that's what this movie was trying to portray. It's not black and white. That's what Patrick's journey (in the film - I'm pretty ignorant on the life story of the real man) was all about.



he became president of South Africa and won a Nobel Peace Prize, I highly doubt he is a terrorist.

EDIT: excuse me, this was late at night any inaccuracy is on my part

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


"he became president of South Africa and won a Nobel Peace Prize, I highly doubt he is a terrorist".

Say rather: "he became president of South Africa and won a Nobel Peace Prize, and so no one dares call him a terrorist".


haha, well I did some research and since he was a leader of ANC (African National Congress) he was labeled as a terrorist/communist that organization did eventually do sabotage and such, but the government labeled them all terrorists back in the 50's-60's

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


"he became president of South Africa and won a Nobel Peace Prize, I highly doubt he is a terrorist."

What a terrible thing to say! As if that really matters in the real world. Hitler was on the cover of Time for greatest person of the year or something similar. Does that make him a good person? The old government didn't jail people for doing nothing. What do you think a military wing does in general? Sit around and have tea parties? MK was formed to fight the apartheid government. Simple as that. Trained by communists such as Joe Slovo.

And one of the pieces of evidence at Mandela's trail was a handwritten paper on how to be a perfect communist. This is also why the UK & USA was helping us here and there, because no one wanted the communists to gain control over our minerals, which is the only reason the communists supported the ANC struggle. But I guess the bigger brains in the ANC must have been aware of it, and used them as well.

I'm just glad the old government can at least not be charged with ethnic cleansing. The black population rose from 6 mil in 1948 to 36 mil in 1994. And that does not happen to people living in dehumanising conditions. They did get housing, hospitals, Universities... Plus, they had better education available to them than most Africans could dream of. It's a shame things turned out the way they did.

The initial idea was so simple. They argued that the blacks, who at that time was still largely living in traditional homes, wearing traditional clothes (like animal skins and such), didn't fit into the western world, and didn't feel comfortable there either. They needed to "catch-up", thus relocating them to their little countries where they could do their own thing, even vote in the beginning. Many blacks at the time supported this because the country was big and they would be getting a lot of advantages of the western world without having to adapt to it completely, and suddenly.
But then Verwoerd, the so-called Architect of Apartheid, was assasinated. His followers didn't see the good side of this ideology, and simply wanted the blacks away from them, so things started getting bad. Then, after the fall of communism, eventually, the then government was too afraid to do the right thing, and now we sit in this mess.

But there is one big difference. Firstly, although there is some hate for white people, it is not the same as in other colonies where 100 000's or more were slaughtered for no reason. Our figure is about 21,000 for the whole period from 1948-1994, and is because of armed resistance, not the slaughtering of innocents as what happened in Sharpville and Soweto. And the amount of detainies that died was pretty low too, about 2 people died/annum in captivity during the whole apartheid era. I'm not going to apologize for it, but at least it was fair combat in a sense.
In fact, black-on-black violence contributed, according to the Human Right Committee, to 98 out of the 103 cases of mass murder from 1990-1996, which were tribal conflicts between the ANC and the IFP mostly.

Unlike in countries like Zimbabwe which had a meager 250,000 whites in 1980, we still have about 4 million. This places us in a very unique situation. Maybe this is enough people to still carry the country until education increases and, and then we will make out only a portion of the educated intellect in the country. But right now it's not so, white people with education and experience are being replaced by blacks simply because they are black (affirmative action), thus losing the opportunity to retain the experience. It must have been pretty tough simply being handed an technologically advanced infrastructure, when the ANC had no former formal positions.
Plus, we have the highest rape rate in the world, and 8 times the world average murder rate these days. And the highest AIDS infection rate. Hopefully we won't turn into another Zimbabwe. But that's the choice of the ANC. They were handed the country on a silver platter, and that is really why Mandela and FW de Klerk got the Peace Prize, because the hand-over was done peacefully. The whites didn't go on a rampage, neither did the natives, everyone just nodded and stepped into a new era like civilized humans. So, if they can fix the crime & rape by teaching values and morals, which they are attempting with many social programs, who knows, South Africa might become the first African-run nation to prove that it can be done.




Tookie Williams did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize. He was nominated for one, which means absolutely nothing. Get your facts straight or stop debating serious matters.


Exactly. How could someone who had clinched the Nobel Prize (for Peace) ever been a terrorist?

If he was a terrorist, George Washington should also be a terrorist by the same token.


How can people be so ignorant about the past of someone they respect so much?

"The good news is that the United States government has removed Nelson Mandela, Tokyo Sexwale and Sidney Mufamadi from its list of global terrorists.

The bad news is that the removal is only for the next 10 years. George Bush, the US president, and consular officials privately informed the three men during Bush's recent visit to South Africa, according to an official US source.

The US state department is reviewing the status of hundreds of listed South Africans. Some were listed for having convictions against them for terrorism, sabotage, treason or related offences against the apartheid state. Others were members of the guerrilla army, Umkhonto we Sizwe."


Hmmm George Bush invades a country with no reaon other then speculation...What would you call it?

