English subtitles

31 scanned pages in GIF format over here (both parts of the film): http://www.sendspace.com/file/8l3aq1

I know it's not a very convenient format... I do plan to make a subtitle file eventually, but it would take a long time. I suppose you could print out the pages and read off of them while watching the film.

BTW, if anyone related to Mr. Kawamoto is reading this, thank you for sending these to me! I misplaced your contact information, so I was unable to send a letter back with my gratitude.

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Here's a PERMANENT link to the English subtitles:

The first 40 minutes (the main film) have .srt subtitles; the rest is still in the format of scanned GIF pages.

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My blog about Russian animation: http://niffiwan.livejournal.com/
