MovieChat Forums > See No Evil (2006) Discussion > I hate eye violence!!!

I hate eye violence!!!

I really really hate it when people get their eyes ripped out or get objects pierced through their's just so painful to watch. and the worst death I could imagine would be very painful eye-damage-related death

Sweet Jeepers...


I'm with you there, my Brother/Sister of the Eyes. The mere hint of it can send me running out of the room.

Every time you read this signature, an orphaned puppy gets fed into a meat grinder.


I'm pretty sure their not gonna remake it without any eye violence just so you like it.



I am that way too. I love slice and dice... old school gory horror.....
but something about eye gouging..... makes me turn away or utter exclaimation of disgust.
It just freaks me out.
My boyfriend laughs every time we see it in a movie... he says " Well, theres your favorite part again".
It seems like every horror movie I've seen lately has had some sort of eye gouging.


I really liked SEE NO EVIL. It was just different enough... to not be totally predictable and the charecters all likable.
Even the stupid ones.


Same here. I like scary/gore/horror movies, but I cringe at eye-gouging. I will never, ever see Blade runner again because of that one scene. :P


You lot better stay away from Lucio Fulci's movies.
His trademark is eyeball violence.

The Bloody Italiana Blog


If you hate eyeball violence, stay away from:
28 days/weeks later
kill bill 2
black x-mas (ESPECIALLY!)


Some comfort shud b dat he ussualy violently kills them b4 ripping their eyes out so they dont feel ny pain. This movie absolutly sucked tho.

I was gonna kill the worlds best looking person, but then i learned dat suicide is illegal


I thought it was rad.


I always hated eye violence until I got laser eye surgery - after that it didn't seem to bother me as much. Odd that - I guess once you've smelled your own eye burning (which smells exactly like a horse being shod) nothing's going to get to you.
A lot of eye stuff is just ridiculous anyway - I actually laughed at Hostel 2. What was up with that custard? I must admit I found the scenes in 28 Days Later and its sequel a lot more disturbing.


you might want to stay away from 28 weeks later.
im not AT ALL that way about eyes, but that one scene in 28 weeks later just creeped me the hell out
i had to close my eyes.

how's this for a wet dream? {freddykreuger}


What happens in 28 Weeks Later? My cousin won't stop nagging me to see it, insisting there's no eye violence, and I want to prove him wrong.

Every time you read this signature, an orphaned puppy gets fed into a meat grinder.


oh well..your cousin IS wrong{:

im going to tell you in the simplest way:
Don, the dad of the main family, turns infected and is in the same room as his wife at the time, so he goes and punches her REALLY hard in the face to the point where she's got blood pouring out her mouth, then bites her and pushes in her eyeballs as hard down as he can, and blood just pours out her eyes, and they do show you all of this.

If you want to know more, search the movie on IMBD and look at the parental thing that tells you about the violence in the movie.

how's this for a wet dream? {freddykreuger}


Eugh. That's unpleasant. Thanks for the warning, now to go rub it in my cousin's face!

Every time you read this signature, an orphaned puppy gets fed into a meat grinder.


no problem ;D

good you dont have to watch it!

we've got balls! and vitamins! but mainly, balls. AND VITAMINS!<3


Rub it in his face? RUB IT IN HIS EYES!!!


I LOVE eye violence!


yea i don't like eye violence either, but there's worst things like rape(Last House on the Left)...
in the end, i just remember that it's only a movie


You sound like Colbert with his wrist violence problem. lol I'm with you, eyeball injury is ROUGH. I watch House and I regularly scream at the surgical carnage on that show. There have been two eye-related freakouts from that show I can recall. One guy's eye POPPED OUT and hung down the side of his face, and the other, well, I made a Live Journal icon of it.

Go on, you know you want to see. ;)


It's quite gruesome indeed. Hard to imagine anything worse being portrayed onscreen. And yet I found this film pretty boring.
