Foul language!?

Saw this movie a little while ago on TV, but we missed the start. I noticed on the IMDB site, it says the movie contains brief language. I was thinking of buying this for my kids to watch - so does anyone know where/what the brief language was?




Judging by the date I'm certain you no longer need this reply. But if anybody else wants to know, the general say hell once. That's about the extent of it.


Perhaps someone said "Zounds!" or "by Jove."


Foul language is the least of your problems if you show this movie to kids. Worry about these issues:

- mother bear being shot
- baby bear being tormented
- alcoholism portrayed
- suicide shown
- mean things said about the way kids are

Donna -Ta da!


Strangely enough I too missed the start of the film. But I didn't hear anything for parents to consider too much when I saw it on the Drama channel. I notice that IMDb advise that it contains 2 instances of the H word, whatever that is.
