Life and Limb episode

I can't remember what was actually wrong with the 16y old boy who woke up and couldn't walk. Was it that he had Guillain Barre syndrome or was it that they thought he had that and quickly realize he did not have Guillain Barre but it was something else? If it was the something else what was it?? I can't remember and it is driving me nuts ;)


He had had "something" occur some days earlier (surgery or injury--something), and I think what happened was the infection had spread to his spine, causing his paralysis. I thin this was the 16-year-old boy episode, but I'm not sure.


He had the flu the day before and was a sports player. His potassium level was very low (called hypokalemia) and he was suffering progressive ascending paralysis (in this case referenced as hypokalemic periodic paralysis). No infection or injury. You may be thinking of a different episode.
