krypto origin

im a avid superhero buff, but i dont know how Krypto got his powers. can any one tell me

Are people getting stupider? Or am I just getting more disconnected from society?


the same way as superman, the earths yellow sun...strange they had dogs as well. i understand the whole human looking aliens but dogs too....

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


i didnt know he was from krypton. i assumed maby supermans powers got passed on via lightning as has happend many a time...

how did a dog survive the death of the planit???

i can imagen it now. with the impending death of a galaxcy two loving perants save there son by sending him to earth. meanwile and old lady two blocks away decides to jetason he pet dog to the same planet.

Are people getting stupider? Or am I just getting more disconnected from society?


Jor-El didn't want to send his son in an untested spaceship so he tested it by sending the family dog, Krypto, in the prototype ship.

Krypto was created in the 50s before people got up in arms over animal testing.

"It's a dangerous thing to confuse children with angels."

-Henry Gibson


wow in all my time reading comics. i never new that

Are people getting stupider? Or am I just getting more disconnected from society?


Krypto did come from Kryton, in the comics. Also, he was Kal-El's pet, on Krypton, during the first episode of the animated series.

At least, from what I hear. And, I believe it, because that's what everybody's saying.

DanMat6288, a crazy cartoon lover


Here's a comic book I found that explains Krypto's origins

"FUEL INJECTION!"-Freddy Krueger

The Dream Child

Captain Gundam!

Freddy's Dead


Heres a bit about the modern Krypto.

