
ok, Ignatius the iguana; Lex Luthor's pet lizard. Does it bother anyone else that he's a little....... gay? he has the lisp, the accent, ad to that the vanity issues and superficial plots toward self gratification. I mean, i don't wanna come off as homophobic, but this is the pet of LEX LUTHOR, the undisputed arch nemesis of superman; his antithesis, his rival, his adversary, the yang to his yin. Shouldn't the lives of the "super animals" be a little more congruous to their counterparts? It seems like the creators are channeling a bit of the Gene Hackman character from the Sumerman movies (which I personally DESPISED). Not that the Hackman Luthor was gay.... just that he wasn't the brilliant, sophisticated, teflon don-esque Luthor of Smallville, Superman TAS and following continuity etc. I would've loved to see a Luthor animal who's as cunning and dastardly as his master.

btw... Is this show in said Bruce Timm continuity (Batman TAS, Superman TAS, Static Shock, Justice League, *possibly* Teen Titans?), or is it independent (via that stupid THE BATMAN show). or could it be an offshoot of that? would be slightly cool to have crossovers.

and Does Mechanicat remind anyone else of metallo? First time I saw this show I thought they were connected somehow.


Thats kind of odd, I just watched an episode with him today and thought the same thing. I was surpised that it was Luthor's pet... I men.. Luthor is supposed to be so evil. But, as it's a kids show, I doubt they meant for him to come off that way.


The Luthor you like started with John Byrne's re-imagining of the Superman mythos in the comics in 1985. Hackman's Luthor couldn't be much like that as it didn't exist yet, in fact, Byrne did specifically say he was patterning it after the Hackman's Luthor. That is, evil businessman rather than mad scientist.

And no, Iggy sounding gay doesn't bother me, though I would usually prefer that the ONLY gay seeming character in a given show not be a villain. :-) But these days there's enough gay characters around that that's not a problem.

I came to IMDB today to find out who's voicing Ignatius in fact. Unfortunately they don't have the exhaustive cast list for this series that they do for Justice League.



Check http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-27664/ for info on voices and episodes.

I don't really like how annoying Ignatious is. Too lame of a character, really, no depth except for the occasional references to him beng a [gay] lizard. I say, strike him from the show and add a horde of cooler, new villians (Mekanicat is kinda overused). My favorite villian, however, is Snooky Wookums.


Hunh...Ignatius is my favorite villain.

And I totally agree about Mekanicat being overused. Gosh....give him a rest already.


Ohh, now that I've seen more episodes I don't think he was as gay. In the episode where ignatius uses a sample of Krypto's hair to get his own, he hits on that female iguana in the park. Her voice is very similar to Ignatius'. I think that the directors probably assumed if iguanas could talk, thats what they'd sound like..


He's very close to the gay, gothic type, if you ask me.


I agree with diet slurm. There is probably no intent to seem gay. The lisp is probably do to the fact that lizards are constantly sticking their tongues out.
