MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Season 11 episodes ranked by Imdb voters

Season 11 episodes ranked by Imdb voters

Average is about 6.5

7.4 Rosa
7.3 The Woman Who Fell to Earth
6.9 Demons of the Punjab
6.8 It Takes You Away (DD)
6.7 Kerblam! (D)
6.4 The Ghost Monument (D)
6.2 Witchfinders (UU)
6.1 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (DDDDD)
5.5 Arachnids in the UK (D)
5.4 The Tsuranga Conundrum

Update: several ratings have changed over 2 days. Each D or U indicates down/up 0.1. Dec 17: Battle plummeted.


Rosa at the top? I thought it was just about the poorest. The PC was laid on with a trowel, and the whole story seemed pointless to me anyway; if Rosa had been stopped from making her protest on that particular day she would have done it the next day instead and the end result would have been the same.

I thought the script could have been dug out of a wastpaper basket in the production offices of "Timeless", having been chucked away as not convincing enough. They would have only needed to substitute the Rittenhouse operative with Krasko, swap the Timeless team for the Doc and companions, and there you go!


Surprised by Kerblam!'s ranking. Easily the poorest writing in the series so far. Seems like a premise that's indistinguishable from half a dozen stories of the past 13 years is enough to pull the wool over some fan's eyes and blind them to the terrible plotting thereafter.

My ranking would be

It Takes You Away
The Woman...
Ghost Monument
