MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Peter Capaldi at Women's March

Peter Capaldi at Women's March

Awesome guy. Apparently Pearl Mackie went too but I didn't see any pics of her:

They should have gone together, would've been cool.


All things being equal Hopefully he will also march in a men's rights equivalent if he really supports equality of both genders.

Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who


That's great! These marches are very cool, wasn't there way more people involved in these than at Trump's actual inauguration? Trump said he wants to sue everyone who criticizes him, so the more people involved in protesting the more clear it is that intimidation isn't going to work and people won't just passively lie down and accept everything this celeb president will throw at them.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


I don't know what BS you read and believe, but what you write are "fake news" from CNN etc.



Memes usually don't prove or disprove anything.


CNN etc

That 'etc' covers every other reputable news agency, eye-witnesses, photographic evidence, statistical analysis of travel... The only people it doesn't cover are on Donald Trump's staff. Apply Occam's Razor and you should stumble across the correct answer.

-There is no noun that cannot be verbed.


reputable news

That stopped being true a long time ago. It's more about marketing, than actual reporting.


I don't even know what this YouTube channel is, but I'm just referring to the first 40 seconds. Is it fake if it's straight from the horse's mouth? It's Trump speaking. How can what he says be falsified when it's a video recording of him, we see him, we hear him? He says he wants to sue people who write "purposefully negative things [about him]". How do you interpret that if not as a limitation to freedom of speech? I don't know how it works in the US, but at least here in Finland politicians - especially the high-ranking ones, the president certainly qualifies - are less protected by libel laws than regular people, since the right to criticize politics and as such politicians is a very important aspect of freedom of speech and press, and of citizen participation. (As is the right to assemble and protest.)

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


It's tribalism, the effect of the echo-chamber, and similar ideas, where only your perspective on the truth is allowed to live.

And yes, Trump is a self-serving idiot.


These marches are very cool, wasn't there way more people involved in these than at Trump's actual inauguration?


Big group is Women's March....


No silly, that's an alternative fact.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


What's an "alternative fact?"


It's to do with the Trump administration in the USA.

The administration and the media are at odds over certain issues.

An administration spokesperson declared that they had "alternative facts" to what the media had on a certain issue.

The journalist involved responded that alternative facts were not facts but falsehoods.

Or something along those lines...



Well, 'facts' just became a buzzword.

Based on the video, they seem to refer to "alternative narrative," but that just sounds bad.


"Based on the video, they seem to refer to "alternative narrative," but that just sounds bad."

I find it impressive how many alternative words and phrases that some people can dream up to describe lying.



It's not always meant to describe lying, but a way to tell the story you want, rather than deal with the facts.

Let's do something weird and talk about the show, for a change. Fact: Chibnall proposed change to the show defacto standard of writing, by implementing a similar concept to the American writing room.

One interpretation of this might be "Chibnall exhibit contempt for the show history and success by forcing British television to comply with American standards, that suggest an effort of taking the show's British roots and making it 'Americanized.'"

Another interpretation might be "In an attempt to make the show fresh again and focus on a more inclusive production, Chibnall suggested a change to the way the show writing is structured, reducing the stress from the writing team and allowing a more inclusive and a focused final product."

Both are based on facts. Each of those stories relies on a certain perspective and tend to paint a picture, rather than deal with the actual facts of the situation. The biggest problem we usually see with the interpretation of facts is the assumption of malice and the way the narrative of the story being told about the facts fall under a personal belief system.


...wasn't there way more people involved in these than at Trump's actual inauguration?

Attendance at Trump Inaugural - Approx. 250,000

Attendance at anti-Trump Women's March - Approx. 700,000 (just in Washington DC alone!)

Send her to the snakes!


Move over, Tom. Peter's now my favorite Doctor.


Why do women in western society even need these marches?

What rights do they lack that men have?

Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who


On paper women have equal rigths, but statictics show that a lot of times our rights are compromised in practice.
For example for the same amount and quality of work, women usually get less salary than men.
Or a woman doesn't even get the job, because she has/might have children who may get the flu or something and she'll stay at home with them for a few days.

As a woman I'm a chemical engineer, and I had older teachers who said that a woman should not be any kind of engineer.
When I applied for jobs after finishing the university, I often had to declare that I won't have children at least for five years. Of course it is illegal to ask these question, but you won't find them in the documentation...

We also have politicians and celebrities who say that women belong to the kitchen, and their main job is to have children.

Until these kinds of people exist, these marches are needed unfortunately.


Until these kinds of people exist, these marches are needed unfortunately.


And the point of these marches, if I understand anything, isn't equality now - it's equality in the future under the rule of Trump. The US now has a president who supports severely limiting the freedom of speech, calls women names and brags about sexual assault, wants to deport millions of people who he has branded as "bad hombres and rapists", appointed a bigoted alt-right spokesperson as chief of strategy, and has a vice-president who supports conversion therapy for gay people all the while demanding safe spaces for people like himself. What does it matter how equal the US is on this date, if it'll all go to hell in the next 4 years whilst "Making America Great Again"? That is the point of protesting now.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


And the point of these marches, if I understand anything, isn't equality now - it's equality in the future under the rule of Trump. The US now has a president who supports severely limiting the freedom of speech, calls women names and brags about sexual assault, wants to deport millions of people who he has branded as "bad hombres and rapists", appointed a bigoted alt-right spokesperson as chief of strategy, and has a vice-president who supports conversion therapy for gay people all the while demanding safe spaces for people like himself. What does it matter how equal the US is on this date, if it'll all go to hell in the next 4 years whilst "Making America Great Again"? That is the point of protesting now.

Sorry but this is ridiculous. All these protests have shown is that so many people still buy what the mainstream media says, which is unbelievable at this point. This is the same media that murdered Princess Diana and lied to us about WMD'S in Iraq. As John Pilger says the fact that Trump is their official Demon as well as the enemy of former Nazi billionaire George Soros (the real brains behind about 90 percent of these protests) should instantly raise our suspicions about how bad he is.

I am not fan of Trump, but between him and Hilary he was obviously the better option.

To start with a lot of that crap about Trump is blown out of proportion and hypocritical. Trump did NOT brag about sexual assault. His comments were disgusting, but he said in the tape THEY LET ME DO IT! Big difference between that and assault. All Trump was saying was basically just "I get to have sex with all these women just because I am rich"

Also people seem to forget Bill Clinton's history with women. Numerous rape allegations and Hillary Clinton it is known perverted the course of justice to get a man who raped a 13 year old girl a lighter sentence,by tampering with the evidence and bribing the judge. She even laughed about it in an interview years later!

Now to be fair I don't know if the allegations against Trump or Clinton are true or not. Both were dismissed, but we all know that our justice system is not perfect. Still nobody else knows if they are true or not. Yet the left acts as though Trump's are fact, and just ignore Clinton's.

If Trump is guilty until proven innocent, then so is Bill, and therefore Hillary.

Also as for the whole Trump is a racist thing well. All people can pin on him is that he is supported by the KKK. So what? John Pilger and George Galloway also wanted him to win. Does that mean he is a socialist, admirer of Castro? All it shows is that they bought into the narrative by the media too.

The one who had ties to the KKK meanwhile? Hillary Clinton whose BFF was a FOUNDING member of the KKK. Hillary is also the one who when in office before actually tried to whip up tensions against Black people calling them "super predators!"

Also Trump wants to deport ILLEGAL immigrants and supports controlled immigration from Muslim countries. The Muslim ban was abandoned long ago, but even then whilst I didn't support it, it was not racist.

Muslims are NOT a race. If he had wanted a Scientology ban would you have called him racist? Islam is an ideology and lets not forget Islam is a racist, homophobic, sexist ideology and anywhere it is allowed to call the shots things are much worse for minorities.

Thus the fact that Trump wants to limit this ideology's influence in the west and combat it, try and reform it makes him a GOOD GUY. Yes his Muslim ban was wrong as there are some decent people in the Islamic faith (though that's in SPITE of their faith. Either they are ignorant of it or they are a watered down version) But still it was not racist as Islam is NOT a race.

I might add that its liberal icon Barak Obama who is the great deporter not Trump,d.d2s

Finally in terms of gay rights Trump is no different to Hillary. Hillary until 2013 was opposed to gay marriage. Trump similarly said he was opposed to it for years because of his upbringing but now he doesn't care and its irrelevant. Also unlike Hillary at least Trump admitted that he used to be against it, unlike compulsive liar Hillary who said she was always for it.

Finally the reason that Trump was the better choice for President and might actually be one of the best choices for President (unlike everyone else I don't actually hold the President of America in that high regard. F^ck the lot of them for the past 60 years IMO, all war mongers or crooks or liars)

Trump at the very least has smoothed things over with Russia. Russia and the US were on the brink of war thanks to Obama, who by the way was a war monger too.

Hillary planned a no fly zone over Syria, and to attack Iran both of which could have led to a conflict with Russia. Hillary also is the one who voted in favour of wars with Iran and Afghanistan, played a key role in gaining support for the Iraq war, played a key role in the disasterous coup in Honduras, a key role in the overthrow of Gaddaffi that threw Libya into anarchy, caused the deaths and displacement of thousands and led to a rise in ISIS. And she laughed with sheer sadistic glee when she found out that Gaddaffi was tortured to death by being sodomized with a rifle! Hillary also said that she would be willing to attack Russia over suspected E-Mail hacks!

If she had been president there at the very least would have been more wars in the middle east, and possibly depending on how Russia would react, a conflict between Russia and the USA. TBH though if Russia planes had been shot down, and a nuclear strike had been launched on Iran, which is on Russia's border I don't see how they could have failed to react. And from there well who knows how that could escalate.

Trump however has now ended that and plans to team up with Russia to take on our real enemy ISIS.

Also in terms of free speech I have to laugh about Trump's victory being a bad thing.

Trump is the one that the entire mainstream media were against. Its not Trump supporters that have beaten people up in the streets, and even children in schools, smashed the streets in protest, burned buildings down and captured, tortured and scalped mentally disabled young men for days on end! Also it was Hillary who said she would shut down things like Breitbart and Info Wars, and her supporters who started the whole "fake news" bullsh!t. Hillary was also only the democratic candidate instead of Bernie because of the corrupt superdelegates and the bastards in power who wanted her in for their own ends.

Had Trump lost then you would have handed power to the people who torture mentally handicapped people, to the mainstream media, and to the superdelegates. Think in 4 years time they would ever pick a guy like Bernie? A socialist that cares about the people? Why would they when they know that they can pick the most hawkish, corrupt, and brutal war monger for president and thanks to a little media manipulation everyone will believe he is literally Hitler.

Now however all the bastards at the top have been given a damn good kicking by losing to a reality tv star. In 4 years time whilst I am not saying they will pick Bernie at least they will pick someone a bit better than Hillary.

Thus Trumps victory was the best option. We now have a president who will smooth things over with Russia a country we were poised to go to war with, and make America more insular and not focus on expanding its influence in the middle east, and combat Islamic terrorism the greatest threat to Western society, unlike that rank apologist Obama.

Also the corrupt, biased mainstream media's power over the people is broken, and in 4 years time the Democrats will have to pick a candidate that has at least SOME rapport with the people. Who knows maybe it will be Bernie? Thus we can have a genuinely good democratic president in 4 years time.

Had Hillary won it would have been more war and the cementing of people like George Soros's power at the top as well as more uncontrolled immigration.

Here are some interesting arguments in favour of Trump or at least against Hillary from genuinely left wing people.

John Pilger a personal hero of mine who has done more to expose the corruption in American and British politics and foreign policy than almost anyone else. You should check out his other work on things like Vietnam and Iraq too,d.d2s

George Galloway, a controversial figure I know. I have mixed feelings on him as when he is good he is brilliant, but when he's bad he's a f^cking disgrace to the left. Still fair is fair he does make great points here.

Abby Martin, not so much a pro Trump vid, but an amazing anti Clinton one that really will make you thank the heavens that this woman was not the president.

It says a lot when Abby Martin, John Pilger, and George Galloway were all on the same side as f^cking Alex Jones, Breitbart and Nigel Farage. Hillary was the big threat that united the genuine left and right (as opposed to virtue signalling celebs) like nothing before apart from WW2!


I am not fan of Trump, but between him and Hilary he was obviously the better option.

Sorry, I don't have time to read your whole post now cause I'm leaving home in a few moments. But this is just such a bad argument. Hillary at this point is absolutely, 100%, irrelevant. I mean sure, Al Qaeda isn't as bad as ISIS at the moment. Does that mean Al Qaeda is inherently good? No. (PS. I don't get the "Hillary would have started WWIII." I haven't heard any credible argument for that. Whatever "world war" these days even means, cause the world no longer means Europe.)

Everything I wrote in my post was true, most of it came from Trump's speeches, are on record or are from his own Twitter.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Well it was more a thing of his win was the best out of the two options we had. If it hadn't been him then it would have been her.

Also I was arguing that Trumps win was good because.

1/ There will be no war with Russia now. Obama was leading us down that path, and Hillary would have caused some kind of conflict between the USA and Russia. I never said it was WW3, but it would have been a major conflict and at the very least more wars in the middle east.

Trump was the anti war candidate. I fail to see how that's not a good thing.

2/ Trump did not boast about sexual assault. His comments were disgusting but he said "THEY LET ME DO IT!"

3/ He is not racist. The fact that the KKK supported him does NOT mean he is a racist. Like I said socialists John Pilger and George Galloway also said they wanted him to win. Does that mean Trump is a socialist?

Trump only plans to deport ILLEGAL immigrants, and as I pointed out Obama is actually the great deporter.

Also Trumps Muslim ban though awful has not only been rescinded, but also was not racist. Islam is not a race, he was banning people for following an ideology, an ideology which to be fair is a twisted, brutal, and sexist ideology (even if all of its followers are not).

If Trump had said that all scientologists were to be banned or all communists were to be banned would that be racist? It would be bad as it would restricting our freedom of speech, but its not got anything to do with race, its against ideas.

Still his current policy about more controlled immigration is a good one, and its good that he is calling itIslamic terrorism as that's what it is! The left's cowardice in calling a spade a spade RE Islam is ridiculous and I for one am glad that we have a leader who is calling it what it is at least.

4/ Trumps win has shaken up the bastards at the top. George Soros, the superdelegates, the corrupt and biased mainstream media ALL of whom wanted Hillary to win have been given a bloody nose. The democrats will have to pick a better candidate than Hillary in years to avoid another humiliation on that par.

Thus we have a president now who wll fix the mess that is the relationship between Russia and America and combat Islamic extremism, and in 4 years will have a higher chance of a genuinely left wing president.


First of all, I didn't say Trump is racist. I listed factually what he has and hasn't done, and noted that some of his cabinet have shown racist/homophobic tendencies and Trump himself has insinuated he will want to limit freedom of speech when it comes to criticism against himself and his crew. Trump is responsible for his own cabinet, and who he picks, reflects on him.

As to Hillary, all Trump supporters keep harping on about her, did every Obama supporter try to deflect all criticism of Obama to "but but but...McCain/Romney"? No, and that's a pointless and desperate argument. So what if Hillary hadn't been good, it doesn't make Trump good. They were not the only candidates, there were primaries before the final elections, where different choices could have been made. I was for Bernie but let's be real, he would never have won the election either since some Americans think social democracy is a gateway to full-blown communism.

Obama was leading us down that path

To war with Russia? How exactly? How have the relations between the US and Russia dramatically changed since Obama became president? Not supporting Assad in Syria like Russia does? Supporting Turkey? The economic sanctions? As someone whose home country happens to be one of those insignificant border countries with Russia I'm glad to know that if Putin annexes it or parts of it the international community won't just think "ok, so what?" (Not that I think that'll ever happen.)

Let's think of a worst case scenario here. Medvedev said he considers Cold War to be back on. Putin outwardly supports Trump, because Trump will give him what he wants: weakened US, weakened NATO, weakened relations between the US/UK and the EU. Trump has said Japan and South Korea should consider acquiring nukes rather than rely on the US' nuclear umbrella. Do you honestly think Russia is happy that Trump has said its neighboring countries and the enemies of its allies (China and North Korea) should get nuclear weapons? Please, Putin is former KGB, he's way more reserved than Trump and I daresay much more intelligent. I'm not saying anything will come of this, I honestly am not very pessimist about Russia at all, but from the way Trump's foot is constantly in his mouth I deduce that he is at a much higher risk of aggravating Russia than Obama/Clinton ever were.

To be honest I don't see Trump combating Islamic terrorism at all. He's clueless. When talking about the terrorist attacks in Belgium he kept referring to Brussels as a country. Does this seem like a person who knows anything about foreign policy? Every time he has said he has a great plan to defeating ISIS he has refused to share any details as to what that plan might be. I'm guessing it's because he has no plan at all. And that "Muslim ban" is horse sh-t anyways, the US would never ban Saudis for example, so they can't ban simply "Muslims". It's a crazy idea anyways, that's 1/5th of world population! It's unenforceable, a xenophobe's pipe dream, not concrete policy.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


As to Hillary, all Trump supporters keep harping on about her, did every Obama supporter try to deflect all criticism of Obama to "but but but...McCain/Romney"?

Yes, that would be a vaccuous argument after already serving 4 years in office, but after 2 days, I think it's fair enough. Could we please just give the guy a go and wait until he actually has time to do something before we protest? Just a thought.


He acts like a 5 year old on twitter.
He's contradicted himself on twitter.
He took down the LGBT and some other page down on the white house website.
He repealed a law so that middle class people don't get a tax break when buying a house (I'm unclear if that's completely right but that's the basic gist).
He's appointing people to his cabinet that have no experience and/or are against the position they've been appointed to.
He's called women accusing him of groping them too ugly to be groped.
He and his people lie (about stupid stuff that can be proven false!).
Melania read a plagarized speech and he plagarized Obama's inauguration cake, for god's sakes!
And that's not even all of it.

But, no, he's done nothing. *eyeroll*

I've never been a political person but this guy as president scares me sh!tless.

What do we want?
Time travel!
When do we want it?
It's irrelevant!


He repealed a law so that middle class people don't get a tax break when buying a house (I'm unclear if that's completely right but that's the basic gist).

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody dies.


but from the way Trump's foot is constantly in his mouth I deduce that he is at a much higher risk of aggravating Russia than Obama/Clinton ever were.

Rubbish. I think its ridiculous the way people think that Trump saying something would lead to a war, but Hillary's hawkish policies would have been smoothed over no problem.

As John Pilger points out in this article there has already been a war of propaganda against the Russians brewing in the west for the past few years.,d.d2s

Hillary was also the one who had a policy that would have led into a direct conflict with Russia, via her no fly zone policy. She also said that she wanted to attack Russia over suspected email hacks, and if we are talking about having your foot in your mouth she also called Putin Hitler and said he had no soul!

IMO we dodged a real bullet with that harpy.

As for Islamic extremism, well it remains to be seen what Trump will do, but at least we have a President that acknowledges it unlike Islamic bottom boy Obama.


Hillary was also the one who had a policy that would have led into a direct conflict with Russia, via her no fly zone policy. She also said that she wanted to attack Russia over suspected email hacks, and if we are talking about having your foot in your mouth she also called Putin Hitler and said he had no soul!

Again, this is kind of irrelevant but I suppose I did ask.  And you are right on the no-fly zones, they would certainly qualify as aggravating Russia. But Trump has one of these policies leading to direct conflict with Russia as well: namely scraping of the Iran deal - which I doubt he will do despite what he (and more importantly, his national security adviser) might think of the deal, but it is still a risk. This will contradict with Russia's interests. And telling Russia's neighboring countries (S-Korea and Japan) to arm themselves with nuclear weapons is definitely careless on Trump's part. Imagine it the other way around, Russia encouraging Cuba to get nukes? That would lead to a major crisis!

As to calling Putin Hitler, he's referred to as "Putler" quite often here in Finland (not in official news or mainstream media, of course) lol so I guess I'm used to it. It's been going on forever now way before anyone but The Simpsons even dared contemplate a Trump presidency. Of course, politicians saying it is way out of line and dangerous.

Islamic bottom boy Obama.

Seriously?  ISIS has lost a lot of its footing lately, while Obama has been in office, not to forget Bin Laden. By the way not all sources are accurate just because they aren't mainstream! Granted it is hard for me to sometimes discuss this issue on an international site, since I am so used to getting my news from domestic (Finnish) sources. There's liberal media and there's right-wing media here too, obviously, but I have confidence in many of my news sources especially if they are directly from the Institute of Foreign Affairs, university research centers or in this case particularly the Alexander institute (which is specialized in Russian affairs.) I don't really blindly trust most US/UK let alone Russian sources - be they mainstream or alternative - maybe I sometimes trust Finnish researchers and reporters too much.

By the way, this is just...there are no words. (in Spanish.)

The White House website removes the Spanish version.  Why? My country's government's websites include an English version, even though English isn't an official language. Many websites include a Russian version as well, that's not an invitation for Russians to barge in an invade or anything! This just seems like unnecessary patriotic posturing, done in order to make a point to indicate that Hispanic influence is unwelcome, even though the US has most Spanish-speakers of any country in the world after Mexico.

^^False news? Nope. But yeah, day 4, let everyone stick their heads in the sand and "give Trump a chance". I know I'm not American so none of these things particularly affect me, but that's why the London march (for example) was a solidarity march.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Holy *beep* you're actually a trump supporter.

As All Books Claim Eternity Has Many Universes


I am not fan of Trump, but between him and Hilary he was obviously the better option.
Are you f'cking serious? My respect for you just went out the goddamn window.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


Are you f'cking serious? My respect for you just went out the goddamn window.

Care to explain why? There are two things I don't understand about everybody RE Trump.

1/ Why the f^ck does everyone think the President of the United States is such a pillar of virtue? All this "I can't believe they elected such an awful man" For the past 50 or so years most of them have been a bunch of criminal, lying, war mongering c^nts.

Regan, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Kennedy, Johnston, Barack Obama, think any of these guys were great? Trump would really have to go some to top their mistakes.

All of you "I'm literally shaking because Trump won" how did you people react when Bush won a second term? A man who caused an illegal war that killed half a million people, destablized the middle east, left bodies to rot in the streets after Hurricane Katrina and most likely rigged an election?

Kennedy a celebrated liberal icon, was also the man who started the Vietnam war. PS I don;t think his handling of the Cuban missile crisis was that great either. As the late Christopher Hitchens once said "I'll never forget where I was the day Kennedy almost killed us all!". Obama meanwhile is a man who has constantly been at war during every day of his presidency. Nixon was a proven crook. And it was during Regan's presidency that we armed and created Osama Bin Laden. Trump is going to have to really go some to top these guys. Just saying declaring him the worst president ever because he said pussy 10 years ago compared to these guys seems a bit extreme.

Now I am sure that Trump will have his own failings and scandals to deal with, but at present there is NOTHING to suggest that this man is going to at least be any worse than the previous Presidents, and indeed if he starts a war that kills over half a million men, women and children then, and only then we can say he is as bad as Bush, Kennedy, Johnson etc never mind worse.

2/ Why in the name of Greek buggery do you all completely and 100 percent buy the mainstream media'story about Trump. I am not saying that you should dismiss everything the mainstream media says but why trust it so much? This is the media that helped drive Amy Winehouse to an early grave and then fawned over her as a little angel that flew too close to the sun when she died? The same media that called MJ a pedo and then fawned over him as a misunderstood genius? The same media that killed Princess Diana? The same media that lied to us all about WMD which aided in the death's of hundreds and thousands of innocent people?

THESE are the people who hate Trump. These people and the likes of George Soros a former Nazi and the corrupt, war mongering superdelegates. They are the ones who have spun the Trump is literally Hitler narrative that everyone has bought into.

Tell me Tricky why do you think Trump is worse than Hillary?

Do you know Hillary's war record for instance? Voted in favour of the Iraq war, in fact George W Bush said that he couldn't have done it without her support. Voted in favour of wars with Iran and Afghanistan. Said that she would be prepared to totally obliterate Iran. Played a key role in the Libyan crisis, laughed with sheer glee when Gaddaffi was dragged through the streets and tortured to death? But Trump said Pussy so that's worse?


Why do women in western society even need these marches?

(2) each human life begins with fertilization, cloning, or its equivalent, at which time every human has all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood

Next stop - abortion ban? It certainly sounds like it, and would be the logical next step. "Pro-life" people are ridiculous anyways, they're mostly conservatives so they don't give a crap about all those lives lost in the US' foreign military conflicts or Gitmo or the capital punishment being inarguably anti-pro-life. Just be (wo)man enough to call it like it is, "anti-abortion", not "pro-life", and admit that you're letting your religion dictate the laws and regulations of what is supposed to be a secular society.

Are American women really concerned for nothing?

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Women's March: The ugly face of hate


Watched that. I would like to know if this woman is herself doing anything for the women in Riyadh or Tehran or...? Palestinians apparently deserve no help although they don't have freedom of movement due to their a) religion, b) ethnicity, c) gender and/or d) nationality. She uses a condescending tone (reminds me of the "really?!" segment of SNL with Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers) and "they were vulgar and used bad words?" So what. It's not like Trump himself isn't vulgar ("crab them by the pussy".) Did they say they wanted to grope Trump and his cabinet's penises or something?

She also says that these women are living in a democracy where it's their legal right to protest, and says they shouldn't protest? Many protests are just to show discontent, it's their point, we have tons even here in Finland every year. Even the far-right is entitled, I remember at least two anti-immigration protests from the past year. The other ended violently when an (ethnically Finnish) neo-nazi killed an (ethnically Finnish) man for being a "cuck" or whatever (protesting against the protest), go figure. No joke.

Madonna was totally out of line, you can't just threaten to blow up a building, let alone White House. I don't know about Ashley Judd, she was too incoherent for me to get the gist of what she was trying to say.

Speaking of blowing up buildings...

I guess this is the "rational" approach.

And lol at the Muslim ban. Who's surprised Saudis aren't on the list? "Let's take World Trade Center as an example"? Yes, and then ban people from the countries that are adjacent to those who actually were behind 9/11. Makes all the sense in the world. I hope the US and Russia keep their love affair going on, since I'm in a neighboring country to Russia.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Next stop - abortion ban? It certainly sounds like it, and would be the logical next step. "Pro-life" people are ridiculous anyways, they're mostly conservatives so they don't give a crap about all those lives lost in the US' foreign military conflicts or Gitmo or the capital punishment being inarguably anti-pro-life. Just be (wo)man enough to call it like it is, "anti-abortion", not "pro-life", and admit that you're letting your religion dictate the laws and regulations of what is supposed to be a secular society.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! They stand along the paths of clinics that provide abortions and shout down young women. I have friends who bodily put their way between the women and the protesters. No other medical clinic would allow this. It should be illegal. And incidentally, these troglodytes don't know their own religion:

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody dies.


Actually whilst I still like Capaldi as a person and an actor, this is not his finest moment.

This march was in large part organised by a woman who supports Sharia law and is a hamas supporter. She has called Sharia law "reasonable" and "misunderstood".

The whole march is a joke and Capaldi has just made himself look like a virtue signalling idiot with this.


For all the people that can't understand why there was a Women's March:

Goodnight sweet Prince


So? What does that suppose to mean exactly? That is probably the weakest excuse for a march I have ever heard of.


So? What does that suppose to mean exactly? That is probably the weakest excuse for a march I have ever heard of.

Women marching (in part) to protect access to vital health care & control over their reproductive choices is a weak excuse? Okay. Sad - and wrong - but, okay.

I truly despair over the state of our society now. Trump's "win" has legitimized the worst impulses of the most ignorant sectors of global society. And his dark influence will only grow during his term(s) in office. Logic, intelligence, honor & decency will take generations to recover from the unfit POTUS Americans have inflicted on the world.

That alone is worth protesting on a daily basis.

Goodnight sweet Prince


Women marching (in part) to protect access to vital health care & control over their reproductive choices is a weak excuse? Okay. Sad - and wrong - but, okay.

Did I comment on that or was it the tweet you cited? Not enough female representation in politics is still a weak excuse. People can march and protest for any minute, and seemingly trivial reasons and I can't say I understand the outrage about this march.

I truly despair over the state of our society now.

It was always awful. Trump being elected will have little to no influence on it.

Trump's "win" has legitimized the worst impulses of the most ignorant sectors of global society

You've been watching too much news. They tend to conflate situations and portray thing worse than they are.

Trump won't mess with the fabric of creation and will have similar, if different, effect on society. At the end of his term, he will be criticized and praised by various groups for various things, at which point, the American people will either elect him or his opposition, and the cycle will continue.

his dark influence will only grow during his term(s) in office. Logic, intelligence, honor & decency will take generations to recover from the unfit POTUS Americans have inflicted on the world.

This sounds very much like fictional writing. Again, we're not talking about baalzebub. Just a man who was elected president and have little effect on the world. You can say the same about most presidents of most countries.

That alone is worth protesting on a daily basis.

Sure it is. But call a spade a spade. There is no need to invent new demons to fight the current one and no need to blow things out of proportions.

The question of who is influencing and gaining power from it is also a matter that needs addressing. I doubt you'd want to get rid of one demon, just to give that power to another.


Just a man who was elected president and have little effect on the world. You can say the same about most presidents of most countries.

Evidently, you're not familiar with history.


Neither are you, apparently.


Obviously you don't believe in political activism and denounce any reasoning to support it. And if you don't see the dangers of the POTUS being an ignorant, narcissistic con man with strong authoritarian tendencies then that's on you.

Fortunately, there are many others who recognize the danger and are taking any and all actions legally possible to stop it. I'm with them.

Goodnight sweet Prince


Obviously you don't believe in political activism

I tend to see political activism being used in the wrong places. Yes, I know it's a matter of perspective.

If this election cycle exhibit anything, is that the American system of government needs more than two parties. I don't think any of the prospective candidates were any good. Both were awful, and I still don't see why having more parties is a bad thing.

And if you don't see the dangers of the POTUS being an ignorant, narcissistic con man with strong authoritarian tendencies then that's on you.

Ignorant? evidently. Narcissistic? Obviously. Con man? I don't see it, but then again, I might have missed something important. Authoritarian? Both Clinton and Trump fall under that category. You might claim that some are more authoritarian than others, but that doesn't say much or is a good reason to vote for a candidate.

Fortunately, there are many others who recognize the danger and are taking any and all actions legally possible to stop it. I'm with them.

That's the thing. After the election, the electoral college, and the inauguration, what can now be done to change the outcome?

Marching without reason might give people hope and good feelings, but at the end of the day, it won't make a change. It's more of a situation where you need to pick your battles and wait for the real atrocities and injustices propagated by Trump, before marching through the streets. If anything, it will change minds, which, like it or not, is the only way to make a change.


Marching without reason might give people hope and good feelings, but at the end of the day, it won't make a change.

You've decided the March was without reason. You're incorrect.

It's more of a situation where you need to pick your battles and wait for the real atrocities and injustices propagated by Trump, before marching through the streets. If anything, it will change minds, which, like it or not, is the only way to make a change.

Unfortunately with Trump, there are plenty of battles to pick. Fortunately there are those prepared to fight most of them. Marching through the streets is the primary method of change selected by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

If it was good enough for them ...

Goodnight sweet Prince


"If it was good enough for them ..."

Then those who march now - or who support those who march - are in good company.



You've decided the March was without reason. You're incorrect.

Not I. The people organizing and marching decided it. Continually harping on "grabbing them by the pussy" without highlighting actual issues with the administration they march against is counter productive.

Unfortunately with Trump, there are plenty of battles to pick.

And people opt for the wrong battles. Crying racist and xenophobe when discussing the migrant crisis, the topic of illegal aliens, or the issue with Muslim extremism, is not a good battle to pick. Unless, of course, you try and deal with what he is proposing and how he decides to implement his proposal.

Being enraged about everything will result in people not caring when actual atrocities are committed. At some point, people will stop coming when people cry 'wolf.'

Marching through the streets is the primary method of change selected by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Both talked about understanding the other side. Both cared about people, rather than taking offense. The people organizing the march has nothing in common with either MLK or Gandhi. They just like to pretend they stand on the same platform as they.


Con man? I don't see it, but then again, I might have missed something important.

A fake university, laundering money through his charity, breaching the Cuba embargo...for a start. I know I should provide some links but I think in this climate where "alternative facts" and "fake news" are so heavily ingrained into the discourse it would serve no point.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


I know I should provide some links but I think in this climate where "alternative facts" and "fake news" are so heavily ingrained into the discourse it would serve no point.

Never really liked the presumption that one needs to maintain an archive of every minor detail of a topic to have a discussion. No citation is necessary.

I really didn't know about the money laundering and have no reason to assume you are misrepresenting data. If I am inclined, I now have enough to go and check it out for myself. I won't, of course, as this thread, and similars, had me involved in politics more than I ever wanted to.


Women want to be equal? They can start by insisting the best actress awards at the Emmys and Oscars are removed. Just have one Award and men and women are both considered for it.

Yeah right.


Damn, Capaldi's a cuck. Disappointing.


Grow up


Damn, Capaldi's a cuck. Disappointing.

You sound shocked I've no idea why... did he ever look like the type to get hearts racing...


When you and your mom share the same memories of the backseat of your dad's impala...


The show should be retitled Cucktor Who!

I can't wait for him to leave, worse doctor ever!
Feminist Misandry Infests Doctor Who


Seriously, grow up, mate.

And it would be "worst Doctor ever", not worse.


Cucktor Who

How in my disgust of Peter Capaldi as a piss poor actor in general did I ever not come up with that lol!


Disgust? He's an just actor, for christ's sake.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


A very poor one.


Oh snap - what a comeback.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


Don't get pissy with me, idiot.


You called someone a cuck and I'm the idiot? K.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


You're an idiot because you can't even see what you're talking about - I replied to someone who called Capaldi "Cucktor who" I never called anyone a "cuck" now loosen that Tom Baker scarf merchandise around your neck to ease the blood pressure to your head and (properly) read what and who I quoted before you replied to me.


Are people still using the word 'cuck' unironically?
1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Mac


Yes, it would seem. Oh, this election really has brought out the best in people!

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


Just curious, Since we don't use nationalities here, Might I just say, Donald Trump IS the President of the United States!! IF you are from another country, What are you whining about? Your OWN country has just as many issues and problems. Peter Capaldi is no different than all the other liberal people in Hollywood There opinion is worthless. They live only to say words others have written, so, M.Y.O.B.


So you are against freedom of speech?

1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Mac


against violence in the streets, Those were Riots in many cases!!!
The march was totally just another reason to act like school children in recess
Do you believe in acceptance? Do you believe in giving President Trump the respect you wanted all conservatives to give President Obama?
Did you see that kind of disrespect for him? No, we lost, and lived to vote another day.


Source for the riots please - and not just isolated incidents but widespread rioting?

And to answer your second paragraph simply 'no'!
1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Mac


Please. Conservatives don't fact check. They just spout nonsense and the sheep will eat it up.


Might I just say, Donald Trump IS the President of the United States!! IF you are from another country, What are you whining about? Your OWN country has just as many issues and problems. Peter Capaldi is no different than all the other liberal people in Hollywood There opinion is worthless. They live only to say words others have written, so, M.Y.O.B.

When the POTUS stops referring to himself as "the leader of the free world", the US stops "spreading freedom" and the concept of American exceptionalism dies is the day I, this board and the rest of the world will stop the widespread commenting on US politics.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


When the free press told us President Obama was "leader of the free world, as as oevery other US President in my lifetime, (born 1943) NOW because it's someone you disagree with it no longer applies???
If you want political chit chat I'm out


Point! Missed!

1 mark deducted for not being Curse of Fenric. Insert 'The' into previous if you are Ant-Mac


I love me some political chit chat, to be honest. It interests me.

But what I was getting at is that as the world now turns, the US is the only veritable super power there is. Minding our own business always includes taking America into account, because with wanting to be a world leader (regardless of who's currently your president) comes a permanent place at the world's stage. Maybe it shouldn't be so, but it is. Great power, and all that.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


I still say David is the best Doctor in new who!


I still say David is the best Doctor in new who!

Haha, agreed. Capaldi's #2, with or without women's march. 

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


I think Capaldi's a much better actor.


I think Capaldi's a much better actor

To a toddler he may very well be a better actor but clown facial expressions don't wow me like they used to... When I was 3.


and I have not been a fan of Peter before, although to be fair, his stories are not my faves, nor is the way Clara has been used.
Friends, ???


Friends! 

I wasn't a fan of how Clara was initially written, but the part I disliked the most was when Matt Smith was still the Doctor. I liked her more with Capaldi.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Interesting, I actually liked her stories better w/ Matt... Were you ok with the ending?
I seriously believe down the road, depending on schedules, she will return, and The Doctor will find a wiggle way perhaps with ME to "fix" her. I just don't see her floating away with ME in a different TARDIS forever
Thank you, <3 <3 <3
