MovieChat Forums > Why We Fight Discussion > Is 'Why We Fight' just a waste?

Is 'Why We Fight' just a waste?

Like a lot of other people I bet, after I see this movie I think: This is great! The way it shows so explicitly and compellingly (I believe) how the Military Industrial Complex works. Every American should see this.

But in this thread, let's not argue about the merits of the movie. Let's just take it at face value, that everything as stated is totally backed up with solid facts. That the conclusion this film leads you to draw is valid.

What I wonder is, what if somehow, on some night, every American was FORCED to watch this. What would happen? Would it make any difference? The people who support this war would make excuses. They would say, oh, this is just propaganda. Or they would say, this is a bunch of BS. They would have to throw up this shield in their mind. But what if somehow you could shove it in their face: LOOK AT THIS!! And they HAD to accept it as real and legitimate! They had to accept that we fight wars just to feed the MIC and imperialism. Not to protect our country or to take down a dictator or to liberate a people. Just to make bucks. Would it make any difference? I believe that to many many people they could NOT accept the full implications of the truth that this movie is trying to bring out. That their beloved country is a mass murderer. That the U.S. government murders woman and children to make bucks (ok, ok its not that simple). They would do the equivalent of what happens when trying to give a little child a spoonful of very, very ugly tasting medicine. But what if somehow you could FORCE them to take the medicine. I think they would have a freaking nervous breakdown. I am reminded of that scene in East of Eden (although I am not sure of the details its been a long while since I saw it). Doesn't the brother of the character played by James Dean stick his head right through the (closed) window of a train he is on, because he found out his mother is a whore? But that is just a dramatic representation of what they would go through. Could you actually argue that you were committing some kind of torture if you forced people to take this medicine? Because you know, as much as we might criticize people who don't see this truth, you got to acknowledge that at least they are human enough to be so outraged by this that they can't accept it. What you would really have to worry about would be people who, knowing what is going on, just think ok fine. I want to be able to continue living like I am living and if it means we gotta murder innocent men, women and children in other countries and all that, so be it. Could you even argue that people like me, who apparently can accept this truth, are less of a human being than those who can't accept it? Because you know, it really IS unacceptable. Because you know, the people who don't accept the truth of this are DOING EXACTLY WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING. Because it is TOTALLY, TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

But what i am wondering is, are the words uttered by William Rivers Pitt in one of the best speeches I have ever heard (, <- listen to this, it's awesome!) true, that: "If the American people fully knew what this war in Iraq was really about, if they fully knew what it means today to be a soldier in that part of the world, they would tear the White House apart brick by brick." Is that really true? Or, is it true that documentaries like "Why We Fight" by people like Eugene Jarecki are nothing but a waste of time.


Excellent post! It's depressing that some people will troll the boards derailing conversations into one president versus another, or nitpicking the film to find something arguable, and yet no one will even COMMENT on your post, which gets to the true meat of the issue...

I was thinking myself that this should be mandatory viewing, that it should be TAUGHT in school. But now I wonder if you're right, if people simply could NOT handle the truth (unintentional nod to Jack.)

One person can't make much of a dent at this point, but for my part, I'll spread the word, preach the gospel, tell it like it is, take a hard line stance, and just say "no", as the former Lt. Colonel urges in the end. Good luck to you doing the same.


The truth must be known, whether or not the public can "handle" it. There are no excuses for ignorance. You should have ended with 'that it should be TAUGHT in school'. Don't doubt how important it is for information such as this film explores to be revealed.

And you're right, you are only one person, but together we make billions.


Wu wei.


Magnificent post. As T. S. Eliott said 'Humankind cannot bear very much reality'. I don't know why this is so, but perhaps it is part of a self defence mechanism in all of us. People do whatever it takes to keep the status quo, and privileged people who live in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe will believe in whatever is necessary to keep their excellent life styles. We buy iPhones and Starbucks and insist in believing in Santa Claus...

I would even go further and say that the USA could not be any different. Like any imperial power of the past, it behaves in this way because it is compelled to do so. Economic growth and progress bring the resources to divide and conquer other countries... and expand. But like a kind of metaphysical paradox, imperialism also bring its own demise rooted within itself. Basically, the fact remains that while the Roman elite was partying wildly the Barbarians were invading the empire. The USA has been in decline for more than three decades while China is emerging as the superpower of the future. I'm not saying this is good or bad... Just stating my humble opinion.


the biggest piece of wool that your leaders and the people that really run this country have pulled over your heads.... it the idea that you can really do anything about anything.... it doesn't matter what you know or don't know.... the people of this country have no course of action to affect anything....basically all you can do is get mad.... it doesn't matter who you elect or don't elect... power never changes hands.... americans are duped into thinking that they are something special and that they have the power to initiate change... when in reality all you have are illusions....


great post by the op and great responses. i saw jarecki on colbert tonight promoting his doc on reagan, and i went online and remembered hearing about this movie when it came out, but i never saw it. i was i a very dark place in 2005 when this came out, perhaps i would have put my head through a window as the op said. i feel i must see this now as soon as possible. perhaps i can do nothing, but i feel i at least owe it to some sense of my humanity to at least see it.


The OP is talking about how a person who believes in this country can be convinced of the truth this documentary is trying to reveal. If you have never heard of this guy Brian Willson, you should, because here is a guy who was basically a typical conservative believer in the goodness of the U.S.A., who was "born again" as he says. But wow did he ever have to go through some kind of hell to achieve that. I first learned about him in 1987 when I heard about how his anti-war activism had resulted in his losing both legs while trying to block a train carrying weapons (which he claimed were ultimately destined for Central America) from a weapons depot in California. The guy impresses the hell out of me. Now he has just completed a book which is a memoir of his entire life called "Blood on the Tracks: The Life And Times of S. Brian Willson" ( Here is a video of a recent (June 24, 2011) talk he gave: Or you could read this relatively small autobiography on his web site here:

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