MovieChat Forums > Why We Fight Discussion > Stop saying Democracy!!

Stop saying Democracy!!

The United States is a REPUBLIC! OH GOD! Please learn the type of government which runs the United States.

Nearly every other person interviewed in this movie incorrectly states that United States is a Democracy. Why?! The United States has been and always will be a REPUBLIC.

It's even in the pledge of allegiance that the United States is a Republic! It's so blatant that it makes no sense why everyone is so stupid to think the US is a Democracy.


@Aria. But a Republic is just a representative democracy (with a democratically determined head of state) which is just the standard type of democracy that exists everywhere in the developed world. 'Democracy' nowadays (since direct democracy doesn't really exist) is elliptical for 'representative democracy' hence equivalent to 'republic'. Nobody's making any mistake by describing the US as a 'democracy' - we speak 20-21C English not 18C English where it ment 'direct democracy'.


I have found that people who make a big deal of jumping up when ever someone says we are democracy and screaming that NO, we aren't a democracy we are a REPUBLIC... that is usually the only thing those people know about government.

Nobody's looking for a puppeteer in today's wintry economic climate.


The United States is not a Democracy at all! It is a Plutocracy, which is a form of Oligarchy. It is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it doesn't serve it's people, it only serves the elite, the financial sector, the military sector and the business interests of the large corporations.


Republic doesn't equate to democracy although they are very much related.

A republic derives power from the people as opposed to by monarchy or authoritarian rule... however the means by which power is derived from the people is usually via democracy but is not necessarily.

NOTE, many countries that call themselves Republics are not democratic. And many democracies do not call themselves Republics.

NOTE2, the USA exhibits lots and lots of undemocratic practices in its government processes.
