Is it a sexual attraction

the white girl like big black ____?


Yes, because there's no other reason for a white woman to be with a black man...



pfarnell on Sun Feb 7 2010 12:54:39 writes:

....Even when he boyfriend angrily taunts her about 'shes just looking for a *beep* , any mention of penises is still avoided. His comment seems odd, actually, "you are just looking for a *beep*!!" ----doesnt she already have access to that, from him-- and I wondering if there was a mistranslation in the subtitles here, that he said something slightly different to what we read.
"you are just looking for a *beep* seems an odd comment.
I know enough German to tell that the subtitles were quite accurate.


Probably has something to do with it, but it certainly isn't the whole story. After their first sexual encounter, which certainly didn't look very enjoyable for her, she is still interested in following him. That seems to indicate that there was more to her fascination.
