
But why??

Just realese the original one, there's no need for a remake of one of the best spanish thrillers in recent years!

dont do this!!!

reply e_unce_1.html

If that is right, at least it's not Hollywood doing the regurgitating.


Just realese the original one, there's no need for a remake of one of the best spanish thrillers in recent years! "

What did you expect? [rec] is not even released on the DVD yet, and it's already being remade!


I love this movie. This is one that is actually really creepy without relying on "in your face" type scares and/or gore and/or dramatic violence. I happened to catch it one night not really expecting much, but boy was I wrong. It was really good.

At least with this "remake" they are using the same guy who wrote and directed the original (in my opinion they should just leave it be) so thats got to be a good thing right?

Ash <3


Well, what did you guys think about Michael Haneke remaking his own movie Funny Games? I just think its kind of perculiar when a filmmaker remakes his own movie. Is he that desperate for ideas or does he love his work that much?

Too young to drink a Bourbon but old enough to kill a German.



Why would somebody want to remake such an ill-conceived concept?

Morales seems to be a rather skillfull director but this film has an outrageous plotline that's mixed unsuccesfully with symbolic elements (Martin's house is a window to our hero's future, from which he tries to escape by digging a tunnel)and suffers from huge tonal inconsistencies.


The US version (1999) came out first so the Spanish (2004) one is the remake.


The two movies "Uninvited Guest" and "The Uninvited Guest" are totally different stories... I could find no others to compare, just the 1999, and the 2004 movies; so no remake.

Poyzunus 1
