MovieChat Forums > G-Force (2009) Discussion > What age is this aimed at ?

What age is this aimed at ?

The plot is a bit too much for <9's to understand

Teenagers would be too cool to see talking G Pigs

The best humour is film references that would be aimed at 20+ watchers

It leaves a gap of 10-12 year olds and not sure what they would make of it.

I enjoyed a few parts but it fell between too many age gaps.


I'm sure it was aimed at 6 to 10 year olds because they were the only ones that actually laughed at the jokes.


I'm 15, saw it yesterday and hated it


It's main audience is 6-12 year olds, who would be going to the movie with their family, so they try to add things that all ages could enjoy to make it a family movie.

Honestly, I don't think it was a good movie for anything rather than using it as a babysitter to keep your kiddies entertained for 2 hours.


Teens would be too cool to see talking guinea pigs!? lol ummmm I'm 18 and saw it with my sister's boyfriend, who is 24! We aren't all the same y'know.

I know what you mean though, the idea of guinea pigs, one of the most USELESS animals there is (no offence to any guinea pig lovers, I love guineas, I have 4, but they are pretty useless apart from being cute pets!), and it is kinda difficult for any kids to understand. But then again, a lot of young kids, who are like 4-6 probably don't pay much attention to the plot, they just like watching the cute animals. That's what I was like at that age anyway, I didn't really pay attention to what was happening in films at that age.


I would say definitely kids under 10.

Anyone older than that probably would not enjoy this movie very much.


Honestly, I don't think it was a good movie for anything rather than using it as a babysitter to keep your kiddies entertained for 2 hours.

My thoughts exactly.


love guineas, I have 4, but they are pretty useless apart from being cute pets!)

they are not useless at all, my guinea pig is the sweetest little guy and loves when i hold him and cuddle with him, he is already 3 years old and so adorable.


Erm, pre-teen? So like 8-12 or something. I don't know. Well I've seen it and I'm 16 and I thought it was good so.

Bourne + Bond = Best Action Film Award


You guys are all wrong! I see kids movies down in a different point of view and I'm 20 years old! G-Force is a great whether you watch it with the kids or not. I go for the same thing on Beverly Hills Chihuahua which is also another great film too. But that's just me!


Correct. I'm 31 and I enjoyed the movie thoroughly without kids. It's a family movie, not a kids movie! There aren't kids movies, unless you make a teletubbies or sesame street movie! Although sesame street rules :)

The plot in G-Force is in fact too involved for kiddies or teenies, even a grown up like me couldn't follow all the time, which makes the movie even greater. I ignore the toilet humor which is obviously aimed at 3-6yo's. And the video games are great too, very nice entertainment and stress relieve for a college student.



I could follow the plot. But some expressions are so involved that it gets complicated for even a grown up, let alone a teenager, to understand everything. They talk about details like deciphering computer programs with worms and how it's done and what not, for instance.


by - Sandol70 on Wed Jan 13 2010 13:02:50
I could follow the plot. But some expressions are so involved that it gets complicated for even a grown up, let alone a teenager, to understand everything. They talk about details like deciphering computer programs with worms and how it's done and what not, for instance.

Are you serious?
That sounds difficult to you and for kids?
You know.. hardware and software developers/programmers/architects are not 6-15 years old ... the average age is 30-45 ...


And that's why I believe the movie is aimed at 30-45 not 6-15 (except the farting jokes). Also, grown ups giggle at the men in black quotes.
Oh yeah, Darwin is soooo cool. :)



I know what a worm is you *beep* idiot. but how that stuff is presented in the movie is nothing for small children like yourself. Get off the internet and let intelligent grown up people talk.


I'm reading your history, and keep coming up with posts like these, where you position yourself as an 'adult' and belittle the responder as a child.

You are clearly a deranged little moron, both stupid and badly intentioned, probably the kind of kid that screamed when your mom took you to the grocery store to feed your insatiable desire for sugar.

Go crawl back up your fundamental orifice and ferment for a while until you become something more palatable.

If you are in fact as old as you say then you really need to take a long time out and get some kind of therapy.



No u are. you borderline retarted kid you. of course I know what a worm is. but babies like you not.


Do your parents know that you're using their internet service to write this kind of thing?

If you were my child, I would lock you in your bedroom on bread and water until you became more sensible. I never had to do that with my own children, who were loved and well adjusted, and are now beautifully accomplished adults.

I suspect far worse of your future and fate, you pathetic little homunculus.

Growing up is going to be really hard on you.



lol you're wasting your and my time, son. Pseudo intellectuals like you make me giggle. Now turn out your daddys PC and go play outside kid. :D


I would love to see a documentary of your next ten years, just to see the pain you will experience with life.



I'm 32 and just watched it. I gave it an 8, I enjoyed it a lot. I don't have kids, but couldn't help comparing this to the great Disney adventure cartoons we had back in the day (Duck Tales, Talespin, etc)!

Back off man. I'm a scientist.


I'm 31 without kids. I watched becuase I like guinea pigs and I like Zach Galifianakis. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, I found it pretty funny. It's not one I'm going to buy, but worth my 90 minutes.

I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


this movie is officially aimed at 12 & under AND 31 year olds... i'm 31 and thought it was really funny. i liked it more than i could ever expected and i'm not a fan of talking rodents.


can't outrun your own shadow


What age is this aimed at ?

0-3, before consciousness develops .


I didn't care for it--too many boring, lengthy explosion scenes and the rest wasn't funny. The animals weren't cute, and there were too many references in questionable taste for children. I wouldn't bring kids to see it, but, obviously, other parents seem to think it's ok.
