MovieChat Forums > Friends with Money (2006) Discussion > Did anyone else find it funny that....

Did anyone else find it funny that....

She used that moisturiser that she was willing to hustle and steal for ON HER FEET???!!! lol



I didnt understand that part because throughout the movie we see her using it and trying to get more and then at the end she's using it on her feet?!

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


It's a way to get through. When you're really hitting rock bottom, and you get a chance to indulge, you take it. I know first hand that it helps you cope. I'll be nearly broke, no food in the kitchen, and take my last five bucks to splurge on food that'll make only a single meal.


hilarious. come to think of it... i think that shows how she & the guy she ended up dating were opposites. he lived as if he wasn't rich, even haggling a maid's paycheck. while she wasted expensive face cream on her toes. balance things out.

btw did she steal that 75 dollars face cream or not? because i don't think they cleared that one up.


It was strongly implied that she did... it wasn't shown 100% but you see her looking at it and picking it up and seeming conflicted with wanting to take it and then the next thing you know, the woman is calling her friend telling her that she 'lost' the cream immediately after jen's character cleaned her house.


I think this was done intentionally. It was meant to be a big *beep* you" to the rich who could afford these creams easily, whereas she has to scrounge samples of the same stuff. She used it on her feet, which certainly don't need to same delicate moisturizers as the skin on her face.

It was also being used as she was calling all of her clients and cancelling her cleaning gigs. She was rebelling against the life she was currently in.


+1 @shannongr


I like that interpretation, I had my own view:

I think she was that she quit the job in the end because she felt bad and wanted to do the honourable thing and quit, and/or she thought she couldn't trust herself around other people's things so wanted to take the temptation away. And perhaps she was using it on her feet to make it run out quickly, so then she wouldn't have to live with the reminder of what she had done/become.



No. It was a metaphor. She was turning a new leaf. She quit her jobs as a maid and her rubbing the expensive cream was her saying to herself I am worth something. She coveted the cream because she could not afford it, rich people had it (including her friends) and she is getting older.

The character goes from being an insecure, passive woman struggling in all aspects of her life and as soon as she takes control, prince charming appears. Wasting the cream on her feet is like saying *beep* it all, I am in charge of my life.
