2 mil to a damn school?

First of all, I hate that couple. They were my least favorite in the movie.

They have an extra TWO MILLION and they donate EVERY CENT of it to their damn kid's school? Are you F UCKING kidding me??!!

I could see donating some of it to the school, but ALL of it? Why didn't they divide the money up and give it to a mixture of charities? Gee I don't know, children's cancer funds? Animal shelters? Or hell, even some more to ALS?

ALL OF IT to the damn school??? That part pisses me off so much.

Save a life...adopt a homeless pet.



I got the impression their friends couldn't believe it either.

That part was supposed to show how shallow they were. They did it for a tax break obviously.

They did it for show. Not to be charitable. Had they wanted to give it to charity, they could have picked other causes. Instead they gave it to a rich private school?



I know. Thst scene alone made me instantly hate that gouple. And throughout the film, they proved what insufferable bores they were.

And her HUSBAND, whatever his name is. He was so *beep* snub, and arrogant, and acting like it's his own money, when it's his dumb wife's, who CALLED it partly his to Aniston character when she asked to borrow some money for the anatomy class.

I really couldn't stand any of the characters except for Catherine Keener's and Frances McDormand's gayish husband. I love McDormand the actress, but her frustrated, angry character who never washed her hair or brushed her teeth before going to bed made me sick. I wondered how her husband could stay married to her, quite frankly.


It does sound really stupid, but I'm sure people like them give money to charity as well, or at least, it is kind of hinted that this couple does.
I do feel it's f'd up that schools of this kind get millions in donations, when their fees are for sure high enough for the school to offer caviar at every meal.
It is indeed just for show. No other plausible explanation.
