Fat guy pissed me off!

Can someone please try to explain to me,

WHY would he haggle with the price for Jennifer's maid character when he is supposidly loaded!?! He told her at the end of her questioning him about this that he has "issues." ISSUES as in being a cheap bastard I must say... This does not make any sense to me, someone please chip in your 2 cents...

Also his house was a pigsty and he should have paid extra, not haggled over 15 BUCKS!!!

Also, I find it hard to believe he is that "loaded", his house was not very nice nor was his clothes. Yeah I realize maybe he's just not materalistic but his wealth revelation was not very believable to me AT ALL~!

Also, if he's such a down to earth good and honest guy he basically lied at dinner out of embarrasement about dabbling in investments, bs, bs, I realize he was embarrased but wtf.

I dont get why people on these boards seem to defend him as this "nice" guy. I see an fat, CHEAP, loser who feels sorry for himself and is obviously LAZY.


HonestMan, I'm not sure why you're SO angry at a character in a movie, but I guess that shows you were invested in the characters, which is a good thing.

My 2 cents on his "issues" is this: When he inherited lots of money from his father, people started to treat him differently - people always hitting him up for money, trying to take advantage of him, etc... I imagine rich folks can get pretty sick of that kind of stuff. Who knows, maybe he even got taken by a con artist at some point.

So he said "to hell with that" and decided to live his life in a way that would make nobody suspect he had money, even to the point of haggling over 15 bucks for maid service. He over-compensated for being taken advantage of by coming off as a "cheap bastard" as you put it. I'm not saying that's normal or healthy behavior, it's just what I guessed at when he mentioned he had "issues".

Others probably have different takes on it, and I'd enjoy hearing from them. Personally, I'm glad they left this and other points open-ended, rather than having him say, "I have some issues about money, and here they are." Then he spills his guts and Olivia helps him cope and they live happily ever after.

Instead, the film becomes a lot more interesting and generates a lot of thought-provoking threads on the IMDB boards!



I agree with you and think that he didn't want to pay the full price for the maid service because he figured if he gave an inch she'd take a mile in that if he could willingly pay full-price she would figure he could pay more. He most likely figured that if he haggled the price she would think he couldn't afford more and would not have to worry about her taking advantage of him.

In the real world you don't have to be wealthy to be taken advantage of and he'd probably dealt with his share and was trying to avoid it. She went out with him even after he haggled her down in price, introduced her to his friends and wasn't embarassed of him therefore he was comfortable telling her he was rich.


At least he was better than that douchebag she was dating for half the time of the movie.
The movie made it clear to everyone (ie the audience) that he was a low life.
It was one of those "anyone could see it but her" instances.

Even if the wealthy slob isn't a good date per se he's still much better than the guy she was with before.


What's a nice word for "fat"? anyways, the overweight guy represented the real "everydude" kind of guy that most women would have overlooked say at the supermarket. I like that he was not the perfect 10 trainer guy that we gals get all hot over, but an average or maybe lower average looking dude. Scott Caan played that superficial self loving trainer perfectly. The complete opposite type B was perfect for Aniston's needy, obsessive charcter. I know maybe far fetched, unrealistic?


You obviously don't know any truly rich people! This is their modus operandi.


I found it a bit of an easy out that the fat guy and Aniston slept with each other on essentially their first date.

Lots of movies of this type fall into this prat fall.

There's something to be said for initially resisting these types of sexual temptations.

Most potentially serious relationships that start out the way this one did don't result in a bedded sexual encounter. Humility and the "pleasure delaying" instinct usually wins out.

Sexual tension and anticipation is half the fun or romance and courtship.


I think it's refreshing to hear someone on these boards make that comment. I agree with you. But my question is: how many Hollywood movies about relationships DON'T involve people hopping into bed so quickly? Sad.


Fat guy pissed me off too. It doesn't matter what someone's issues are, you shouldn't try to lower the price for someone doing you that kind of service when you obvi have more than enough to pay.


Yeah, he annoyed me when he was haggling, too..........

"I've got a stomachful of Xanax. I took what was left of a bottle. It might have been too much."


some people feel awkward about inheritance money. i know if it was me every time i spent any i would think of whoever it was that left me it.

i liked his character, thought he was a nice and complex. think the whole point in his personality and issues is to show that he has more depth that Scott Caan's shallow character.

some people are just weird. i know i am (although not as bad as him lol)

I'm a quitter. I come from a long line of quitters. It's amazing I'm here at all.


Isn't also conceivable that he is putting aside/saving the bulk of his money for his daughter? i think it's actually quite responsible to live below your means in order to provide for your child's future.

as for haggling w/ olivia over the price....to me it felt like he was really attracted to her but didn't know how to deal with it, so he decided to play the *beep* the first time a guy has unwisely pulled this move.


This is not something that people who have not dealt with it may understand but there tons of people like Marty out there. In addition to being a trust fund baby Marty is clinically depressed. For some people, inherited wealth exacerbates this condition as it gives them the wherewithal not to do anything, to isolate, and to put off doing anything with their lives indefinitely.

For some people, inherited wealth is like a disability check, it totally undermines them. Others can handle it, either by working anyway or by living a much fuller life than Marty does. This also not to say that there aren't poor people who are depressives(or poor people who have rich lives). But if you don't have the life skills to handle the responsibility of a lot of money(and yes it is a responsibility if you have a conscience) you're in trouble.

Inherited wealth is also no safeguard against 'issues' and I suspect that Marty's very successful father was also a tough bully and undermined Marty's emerging manhood in a variety of ways. It's clear that Marty was deeply ashamed of himself(which probably started young) and no amount of money can heal that.

I know people who have not seen this up close may look at a character like this and say, 'He pisses me off, I could do better if I had his money' but I've seen this phenomenon too many times to not understand it.


For some reason I thought he was lying lol. It seemed to unreal, the way he said that he was rich.

Watch this, you know you want to


Other posters already hit on why he haggled, but concerning the clothes he wore; he may have looked shabby but then aaron comments on the high quality material of his jacket... I think his clothes and house are presented as such to show that he just doesn't have a clue style-wise.
