GOOD lord this was awful!

I mean really this movie was just TERRIBLEā€¦ how did anyone like this movies! WOW!



I found it very boring and didn't get very far along it before stopping it and deleting it (recorded TV movie) I like Jennifer and Joan and thought one of the husband's was cute but I still didn't like it - maybe I'm a comedy fan NOT a satire one sometimes the two overlap in this movie I thought they didn't. To each their own but I thought it SUCKED.



I liked it because it's a comedy and it's funny. The dialogue/situations are recognizable and I liked the characters.
However, note to director Nicole: use a tripod! The camera shake in numerous scenes (was that only for effect?) didn't work and was extremely annoying and distracting!


I saw it yesterday.

I didn't buy the coupling of Greg Germann & Joan Cusack at all.

I also didn't buy Jennifer Anniston as a maid. It was exactly like Rachel being a waitress. I mean the way they showed her cleaning up she wasn't very good. Just as Rachel was a lazy waitress barely going thru the motions . Plus she was very attractive yet she's paying this guy who's bag of sh!t when he goes housecleaning with her and lays around while she begs him for sex?? Now if Joan Cusack had played that part I would have bought it more.

I also didn't believe for one minute that Anniston's character would date and then bed the guy playing her employer.

Sidewalks have rights too! They refused to be stepped on anymore!


Yeah I think it's because when we watch a "romantic" movie, we want to see attractive characters and then transport ourselves into the place of the person with the attractive person of the opposite sex (I would hope) and la la la. An attempt like this at being realistic, with its coupling of ostensibly sexual chracters, doesn't allow the fantasy.


I happened to catch the movie last night on TV and actually really enjoyed it. I thought it was actually funny, very well acted, and interesting to watch the different relationships of the people. Differences of opinion, i guess...

LAST MOVIE SEEN: Friends with Money
RATING: 7/10 stars!


I agree. I was wondering, "Why I am I watching these ungrateful, miserable people?" They all seemed the same and equally uninteresting.


Hi j-san,

It's 2012 now and having seen it yesterday it is still the same :)Thanks for your observation and the reality check, those were my very words !


It was rather difficult to watch, wasn't it?

I didn't know anything about the movie before I saw it - didn't know the plot or whether it was comedy or drama. There were many scene which provoked me, but the one which made me the angriest was the scene with Mike (Scott Caan) - he invites himself to Olivia's work and at first I thought he was helping her out so Olivia could finish work sooner and he can spend more time with her... but... NO!!! It was just unbelievable that he actually asked her for money!!! He didn't do anything! Good grief, I didn't see that one coming!!!

"You know mom, I'm crazy about this Asprin... can't believe we give it to children."


Agreed. This movie had no redeeming factors at all, which is pretty bad when you think it through. I actually quite like Catherine Keener and Joan Cusack, so that means that (for me) even having actresses that I'd happily sit through boring bits to see do their stuff wasn't enough to redeem this piece of garbage.

The message was disgusting. The characters were disgusting. It had nothing going for it what-so-ever.

It's the kind of movie you'd give to aliens in an attempt to explain what's so totally wrong with our society.




Well, since you replied to me (not the OP) I'll reply to you.

This movie is disgusting. The message is: Do everything in your power to attain wealth, as nothing else matters... and use other people's sex toys while you're attaining it.

Just because a person doesn't appreciate that message doesn't mean that they are incapable of humour and/or cinema above a certain IQ level... to suggest so is just rude and elitist. Interestingly, "Dude, where's my car" has a 5.2 rating and this has a 6.0 rating. That goes to say that the vast majority of people put these two movies in the same ball park in the same way as a movie with a 8.7 is in the same ball park as one that is in a 9.5



This was a waste of film and time. I kept thinking something insightful was going to be revealed or at least some type of understanding. There was no reason any of these people would be friends. Frances McDormand was the one good thing about this in her unwarranted outbursts, but she's always stellar. I have to say, it's the one movie I've seen where Jennifer Aniston wasn't being Rachel. Alas, this character was completely dull, giving us no reason to care what happened to her. In fact, I didn't care what happened to any of them.


But I think that's what the film was getting at, hence the lack of cadence at the end of the film. It was quite sombre and dull, reflecting the majority of the characters' mindsets. I don't think the director was trying to get us to care about them, but rather see the shallowness of such friendships. I don't think the film was fantastic, but disagree with it being a 'waste of film and time'.


The point of the movie was two fold.
1. Everyone has their own set of problems that money doesn't solve.
2. Olivia and her friends had little in common with each other!

Olivia had no money.
One had massive amt of money.
The other two were well off.

All of those creates different issues. But money was not the problem.
1. One was married to a bisexual man who wouldn't acknowledge it.
2. One couple surely hated each other.
3. One couple had too much money and the wife let the husband control it! When he wasnt' even his!
4. Olivia wanted money and power and was not doing anything to get it.
She was a freaking maid, talk about depressed.

And at the end she fell into money and had exactly what they all had.

I thought it was an interesting movie ---


The movie has problems, one being that we don't get time to care enough about most of the characters.

A very weak performance by Jennifer Aniston truly hurt the film. Perhaps she was miscast. It is essential that viewers get involved emotionally with this character, and start rooting for her. It's very hard to root for her because Aniston plays her in such a cold, disconnected manner. Warm and infectiously likable she is not.
